13 posts

The 'triple headed weaving wall of fire' seems to be my most daring trick came to me in a vision one night whilst trying to camp on the beach in the depths of a Mescaline session with some likeminded poi angels.

Its hard to explain what it looks like i'll have to post a picture....

Whats the hardest trick you've ever done/made up and whats it called?

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

[Old link]

(most threads people think of these days, have already been done on HOP a zillion times)


19 posts

I think that was a little patronising. I hope you are not like this with all nOObs?

Mine was a double ender (four poi - 2 in each hand) with wire wool. problem is the sparks - melted the top cover of my tent at the last festival I went to with flying sparks. looked great for thirty seconds until they clashed.

50 posts

 Written by: UmbiliciformCraterOnFace

(most threads people think of these days, have already been done on HOP a zillion times)


Are you saying we just shouldn't bother posting anything fresh then? Seems a bit harsh.

I like participating in active and current threads, not trawling through old pages of rubbish in an attempt to dig out the relevant bits I could add to.

Your trick sounds awesome Gaz.

I am working on something at the moment that I call the "Hoy Poi oi", which requires two regular Poi on one arm and a flaming Poi on the other! Needless to say I'm a long way from perfecting it yet
EDITED_BY: House_of_Poin (1154540033)

19 posts

did you not read my thread above?

13 posts

Some cool sounding tricks really is possible to make up some really crazy tricks....two poi on one arm? never thought of that before!

It's a fair point to make but I checked all the thread titties and there isnt anything like the subject i posted about.....can it stay? you may even learn how to do my 'triple headed weaving wall of fire' trick if you ask nicely smile

this is more of a 'What new tricks have you made yourself' rather than 'whats the most impressive move you can do'

i just want to learn more dangerous and complex tricks that i can brain completely unwitting passers by over the head with! wink

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

"I think that was a little patronising. I hope you are not like this with all nOObs?"

The patronise lock wasnt illuminated on the keyboard when i typed that message so it wasnt meant to be patronising. Im sorry if you read it that way. I guess that what happens with writen text instead of speech. hug edit: aw crap.. that reply now sounds realy patronising!! Im sorry! hug2

and no, not all noobs. Only the lucky ones wink

"Are you saying we just shouldn't bother posting anything fresh then?" - No, im simply saying that taking 5 minutes to use the search function before posting something is much easier than posting something, then having lots of people tell you there are already threads for it, and then having a moderator come and lock/. delete your thread.

Trust us - its easier to search. Have a read of the searching FAQ which helpfully, is found here. Read that and practice searching for things.

Threads on HOP which you may think have never been talkied about before include:

How to make flames different colours.

How to make wire wool (sparkley) poi.

Favourite tune to spin to.

I cant do [/insert name of move here], please help!

what sort of fuel to use.

what sort of fire poi to use.

Fire performance insurance.

thres also pretty much a thread for every circus prop you have seen in the "Other toys" forum.

"What new tricks have you made yourself" - unfortunatly, I think theres a thread for that too... I think.. shrug

"I checked all the thread titties " - How'd I miss those jubblies?!?! biggrin

13 posts

oops smile must have been distracted whilst typing smile

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Were you 'reading' Big 'n' Bouncy? ubblol

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