Shut up and Drum!
--pogo (pat) [forever and always]
Shut up and Drum!
Shut up and Drum!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?
A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.
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I strongly recommend, for cost, lightness and sound, that you check out your local music shop for Mountain Rhythm drums!
I live in a world of infinite possibilities.
Written by: ben-ja-men
the front cover is totally awesome, congrats. I was a little bit disappointed when i entered the sight though, I was expecting the layout and articles to follow the same high level of quality as the front cover rather than being typical we page layout.
Written by: solas
The layout of the site is too cluttered. I don't know how customisable phpnuke is, but the first thing I'd do is get rid of absolutely eveything that's not necessary.
How many of these are necessary?
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Written by: solas
I'm confused by your strategy asking for donations, yet still having so much advertising on the front page?
Written by: solas
Who's talking here? You? Are you endorsing this product? Why is it better than a real djembe?
Written by: solas
I would prefer to read well thought out and researched articles than interviews with people I don't know (Nick excluded).
I got bored very quickly too even though I drum and dance. Perhaps because of a lack of creditability of these people based on my ignorance of them.
Written by: solas
I think I would have prefered an article about someone I don't know than an interview.
Written by: solas
Aim to provide value through strong content. Get experienced writers.
Written by: solas
Fair play to you for all the hard work I'm sure you have put in. It's great to see someone creating their own destiny.
Shut up and Drum!
Shut up and Drum!
"i am exotic, and must keep my arms down" - Rougie
"i don't understand what penises have to do with getting married" - Foxie
Shut up and Drum!
Shut up and Drum!