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LilBBoySILVER Member
Discoverer of Rainbow Cheese
143 posts
Location: Inverness, Scotland.

Hey all! First, thanks for reading this post and I hope the subject interests you. This thread is about what has become known to people as "unofficial religion", or as the school computers tell me when I try to do research on it; "Unofficial/Indigenous/Occult Beliefs".

After being a Buddhist for 2 years, I have found deep satisfaction in my life. Everything has changed for the better. However, I feel that there is more to the story than Buddhism tells. I believe, unshakably, that there is a God, which Buddhism attempts to, in a sense, dispel.

I find it extremely interesting that some of the people I know and love follow their own paths; their own beliefs, which no-one can distort with their own. I find these people admirable and, to say the least, courageous.

What do all of you beautiful people think about this topic? biggrin wink

Peace & Love hug ubblove

Time does not exist. In theory, everything with a beginning has an end. Therefore, only things with an end can have a beginning. As time has no end, it has no beginning, therefore does not exist. GO PHILOSOPHY!!!
Brittle Week was the shizz!!!

inactiveSILVER Member
old hand
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Location: United Kingdom

My dear brother hug

I was brought up as a methodist, strict beliefs on the whole hellfire and brimstone stuff, I was taught to laugh at anything that wasn't christian, but at the age of 12, (oh my gods that's 17 years ago! boo hoo) I asked that single god a question, my young mind had begun to wonder how a male deity could create without a female deity, as in nature, that is how things are created. I asked "If god is the father, who is the mother, and although I half expected the answer to be either "god is both" or "mary" I was in fact answered with a vision and a "voice" that basically told me I had to find out for myself. the next day I was given a book on the Celtic gods, completely out of the blue, and also on Gaia (the greek earth mother) shortly after that my whole life was turned upside down with me being given a set of Ogham (again out of the blue) and then books on paganism. confronting my parents about it was hard, I was laughed at but in the end they supported and now respect my choices and beliefs. I have been a proud member of OBOD and am an initiated ovate and a fierce pagan but I cannot be fit into any single category as I use bits from all the paths I have walked (I spent 7 years studying differents shamanisms and paganisms from across the world and ideed myself walked in buddhism (new kadampa) for a time).

The only answer I believe to be true is one my sister gave me some years ago "the only true religion is yourself" but I like to mix it with my definitions for druidry and paganism "the path of wholeness" and "the alignment of the self with nature" all in all my path is that of freedom.

With all the blessings of all the gods and spirits of the world, with all the love of all the ancestors, I wish your path to be true, strong, challenging and fulfilling, may you find yourself fully!

Much love brother!

To you who has been accessing my online accounts, changing my login details, locations and posting censored about me, realise, you are not worth revenge, you are not worth my attention, you are nothing, and that is all you ever will be.

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

 Written by: LilBBoy

I believe, unshakably, that there is a God, which Buddhism attempts to, in a sense, dispel.

The Buddhas position on God was to neither affirm or deny Gods existence, but simply point out that, when it came to the matter of dealing with suffering (which is what buddhism was primarily concerned with), Gods existenece was not relevant.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Hi LilBoy,

I like the subject. I’ve been doing a little reading on Buddhism and I’m attending Western Buddhist meditation once a week.

I don’t think it is so much Buddhism dispelling God, as a belief in God being an anathema to achieving enlightenment.


If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

KaelGotRiceGOLD Member
Basu gasu bakuhatsu - because sometimes buses explode
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Location: Angels Landing, USA

I was going to say what dave did, being a buddhist myself smile

I don't take a lot of the stories I've been told as 100% doctrine, but according to my understanding we aren't meant to accept teachings without finding out for ourselves if it is true anyway.

To do: More Firedrums 08 video?

Wildfire/US East coast fire footage

LA/EDC glow/fire footage

Fresno fire

6,650 posts

shrug just voicing my personal opinion...

Are you talking about "patchwork religions", or about uniquely inquiring with yourself, without any influence from the outside (how far this might be possible anyways).... ??

Personally I do not know who Moses, Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed were - but I do reckon one thing: Moses was not a Jew, Buddha not a Buddhist, Jesus not a christian and Mohammed for sure no Muslim...

If asked what faith I would have, the only (politically correct) answer I could give in the past was: "Buddhism comes closest to my philosophy." Now, after rendering it, I can't repeat this, as BuddhISM seems to indicate that one has to become an Asket... And I have no intention to become one.

"Be your own light" is one quote that resonates within my being - I feel repelled by all -isms, as IMHO nobody will be able to reach the EXACT SAME state of consciousness, EVEN IF exactly repeating the EXACT SAME steps in the life of those idols.

peace + hug => angel2

ubbloco + meditate => ubbangel

ubbangel + kiss => devil

angel2 + spank => devil

devil + ubbangel => weavesmiley

IMNHO it's a common misconception of the mind, that those experiments/ results would be repeatable wink

*closing shoulders with Kael on the rest*

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

I like to think that I follow my own pathway.
I don't subscribe to any organised religion. I believe in many things, but these things that I believe in, I believe because of subjective experience.
I believe in angels because I've had angels visit me, I believe in a God because I know he/she is there. I've not just read a few books and thought "yeah, that's it!"


Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

monseratSILVER Member
My flabber is gasted
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Location: waaaay south of heaven, United Kingdom

I gave up on religion while I was still at junior school. I could never get my head round the idea that (in Christianity anyway) one of the main messages is tolerance and respect of others but people would still go to war over differences in doctrine (Prostestants and Catholics for example). If I'd known the word hypocrisy at 9 years old I would have jumped on it. In the past I have said that if I had to choose a religion it would be Bhuddishm as it always seemed to me that Bhuddism was a series of guidelines to live your life by rather than a set of hard and fast rules that force you into feeling guilty a lot of the time. (LilBBoy/Sunbird please correct me if I'm wrong in that perception). In the end I came to the conclusion that a lot of the ideas are just common sense, treating others as you would wish to be treated, kindness over cruelty and so on, and they are good things to live by whether you 'believe' or not. So I don't believe in an all-seeing, all-knowing God, but neither do I believe that everything around me is a gigantic cosmic fluke. The path I've eventually come to is I believe in Providence (for want of a better word). I believe that Providence has every choice I will ever have to make mapped out for me, but I have the free will to make those choices so my destiny is still my own.

I have no idea if this is my own path or if it's similar any religion or set of beliefs out there, sound familiar to anyone??

Chaos is the natural state of the universe

Some days I'm the pigeon, some days I'm the statue.

honourary militant margerine ninJAH

If it wasn't for displacement activity I wouldn't get half as much done

robnunchucksBRONZE Member
363 posts
Location: manchester uk

i beleave in my self and what i experiance (see, touch, hear, smell etc) and that you should enjoy life while doing your best to avoid preventing others from enjoying life to. but i also beleave that my belefs could always be wrong and i have to be open to that posibility. Which rules out all standard religous beleafs because fundimentaly they are baised on assumption that they are right and understand everything about the univerise. to me that is increadably arrogent and is one of the main reasons i reject standard religions.

though of course many of them are on going along the right kinda lines in certain cases at least moraly anyway, but there alot of rubbish mixed in with the good stuff.

i also dont beleave in any of the gods yaway, alah etc. because they seem to messy and crude an answer to such a beautaful question as how did the universe in all its splendor come to be. they leave to many lose ends all over the place and raise to many unanswered questions. i beleave i could sum it up best by saying they lack elegance. and in my view the most defining feature of the universe is its elegance.
EDITED_BY: robnunchucks (1166545284)

My nunchucks vital statictics biggrin

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jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

Rob I like your thoughts.
One of my main philosophies is that we should always be true to ourselves. smile

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

robnunchucksBRONZE Member
363 posts
Location: manchester uk

very true if you can't be true to you self what else is there wink

My nunchucks vital statictics biggrin

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jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

exactly! hug

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

44 posts
Location: Belfast

I have had such bad experiences in the name of 'Religion' (as sadly so do a lot of people)

Religion is my life was used as an excuse to abuse, belittle, taunt, hurt.. etc etc.

If anything- it has put me off the idea of following ANY religion or having faith in the idea of a 'all seeing all knowing god' - I prefer to think that people are their own 'gods' and what you give out to others is hopefully what comes back to you.

LazyAngelGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: Cambridge UK

I stopped going to church many years ago. On New Year's Eve, while travelling to church with my parents, a random guy tried to steal one our bikes and attacked us. When we arrived at the church, the first thing that happened was that someone said 'you're late' (before we explained to them what happened)

For me that was it, after many years of having to sing hymns at school and pray for things in a mass with a lot of other people, I decided I'd had enough. Now I just appreciate the universe for the beautiful thing it is, I don't feel the need to go to church with a bunch of other people, to pray in a formula that someone else wrote for me. I'd much rather take religion on my own terms.

Instead I express my appreciation whenever I see something beautiful: there's beauty in the world around us, and whenever I see a beautiful sunset or have a happy moment, I offer a silent prayer of thanks for the fact that I'm alive and able to experience this.

IMHO, the best way to show your appreciation for life is to live it as fully as possible, and make the most of what you have, anything else is just a waste.

Because ActiveAngel sounds like a feminine deodorant

Like sex, I'm much more interesting in real life than online.

'Be the change you want to see in the world around you' - Ghandi

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
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not that I've sat down and studied every religion here but i think from what i have looked into that generally the ideals and morals are the same its the technicalities which differ. and Devout religious folk will argue these technicalities because they believe their religion is full truth.

Im only just coming to terms with what i believe is my path and it follows a more pagan/wiccan side of things but also incorporates buddhist ideas amongst others too, but generally if i like the idea of something ill take it on board. i find i focus more on nature and energy than anything else. but like firetom says every path comes across to different people in a different way even if it is taught by the same person. I was brought up and baptised a christian and it wasnt until i was about twelve or thirteen that i actually questioned what had been drummed into my head and my religious education teacher actually helped me to understand it wasnt for me.

I think generally, like alot of folk have said already as long as youre true to yourself your own path will show itself to you.

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

301 posts

I'll take atheism pure and simple any day.

This life has no meaning why should it?

Atheism gives me no firm basis for morals so I use utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the principle that our actions should aim to bring the greatest good to the greatest number of people.

This means that I have no natural concept of justice.
EDITED_BY: the boy g (1166546442)

Walls may have ears but they don't have eyes

LilBBoySILVER Member
Discoverer of Rainbow Cheese
143 posts
Location: Inverness, Scotland.

Thanks for all your thoughts guys! In response to Sunbird's post... hug ubblol biggrin

onewheeldave, that's what I was trying to say! Lol! What i meant by "in a sense" was that by passive principle it would appear that belief in a God/Gods is an obstacle to achieving enlightenment, when for hundreds upon thousands of people every day it becomes the one thing that smashes, stamps on, crushes, buries and burns the last obstacle to true happiness! biggrin I still base my life on many Buddhist principles, and find my life even better with the belief of God.

Peace & Love hug kiss peace angel

Time does not exist. In theory, everything with a beginning has an end. Therefore, only things with an end can have a beginning. As time has no end, it has no beginning, therefore does not exist. GO PHILOSOPHY!!!
Brittle Week was the shizz!!!

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Hi LilBBoy, what’s your definition of true happiness, compared to enlightenment? To me it would seem chasing happiness would indicate that you are still driven by desire. Includind desire for a "permanent ego" which is the false promise of God based religions.

Fire Tom, Buddha means enlightened one.
EDITED_BY: Stone (1166572018)

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

KaelGotRiceGOLD Member
Basu gasu bakuhatsu - because sometimes buses explode
1,584 posts
Location: Angels Landing, USA

The buddha taught that any desire, even desiring enlightenment, is a hindrance to reaching enlightenment or true happiness and a state of no suffering. smile

Basically chasing after happiness makes us unhappy wink

To do: More Firedrums 08 video?

Wildfire/US East coast fire footage

LA/EDC glow/fire footage

Fresno fire

TinklePantsGOLD Member
Clique Infiltrator, Cunning Linguist and Master Debator
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Location: Edinburgh burgh burrrrrr, United Kingdom


My spiritual path is an ancient one
I used to be wiccan but commercialism isnt fun
I looked for a path natural and free
So Now i follow Druidry.

I am the Bard of Collinton,
My lessons have only just begun,
Its the original path of my ancestral home
Far from which I did roam.

I'm going to see my mammy this weekend
I may even see an old school friend,
Wee Darryl, you will find the right path for you
Now I'm off to bed and so should all you lot too.

And I'm gonna get lucky!!

Always use "so's your face" and "only on Tuesdays" in as many conversations possible

6,650 posts

hug Thanks for educating me - I neither I do, nor claim to know-it-all... some more questions derive from these insights:

According to the term, aren't Christians and Jews as much Muslims as Muslims themselves? What's the fuzz then?

What is "enlightenment"?

Not in desperate need of an answer help and certainly not hijacking cool just voicing my mind... smile

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

blu_valleySILVER Member
fluffy mess
197 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

My beliefs are christian in principal. I believe in a set of rules or ideas of which every man of every faith can embrace. I believe that if your heart is good, that if you genuinly mean well, despite all odds, that you will be rewarded (weather it be in this life or the mythical 'afterlife'). I believe that if you do not, you condemn your eternal soul.

I believe that there is more to this life than what we see, and that for every action there is a reaction, be it etherial or not. I believe that there is one God, creator of heaven and earth (what ever this 'heaven' or 'earth' may mean to you)that it is all seeing, all knowing, or simply a higher consiousness experiancing itself subjectively. I have seen and felt things that make me believe, things that I do not belive that my mind is capable of creating, things that I was privvy to but not part of.

In principle my beliefs are christian, but I think the religions as a whole got it wrong by taking a good idea and building a belief structure on it. This fire and brimstone and killing in the name of God malarky is not my bag baby.

hugubblove hug

"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

inactiveSILVER Member
old hand
722 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Blu, It's beautiful to see an Oriah Mountain Dreamer quote in your signature hug Have you read much of her work?

To you who has been accessing my online accounts, changing my login details, locations and posting censored about me, realise, you are not worth revenge, you are not worth my attention, you are nothing, and that is all you ever will be.

70 posts
Location: On top of a Nipple

i personally think, that what u believe in, is what there is.
if your a buddhist, you will probably live ur life as a buddhist, renouncing family, renouncing fame and all things that keep u tied to this world.
if ur a taoist, u will probably end up seeking harmony in everything u do, and so on.
anything u believe in, is what there trully is.
do u understand?
i mean, if u believe there is no god, than there is NO GOD.
if u believe there IS a god, than there is a god, and ur prayers will be answered! because u believe, and that belief pushes u and the energy around u and the cosmic energy around the universe, to bring that prayer to answer. because u believe.
so, i think that, whatever u want to believe in, if u put ur heart into it, it will be true, for you. and thats all you need (except love wink)
Peace & Love Brothers and sistwas

Love is Life

crowley2BRONZE Member
official hop cutie
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Location: Uk, Essex, Clacton

if people ask me what religeous belief's are i answer with
"i Pray to whatever god/higher deity is listening at the time"

i am a firm beliver in karma doing good things for others makes me feel good about my self and more confident in my actions my other belifs i keep to myself because there mine and you cant have them

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. ~ Terry pratchett

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

 Written by: Pinkadelic

i personally think, that what u believe in, is what there is.
if your a buddhist, you will probably live ur life as a buddhist, renouncing family, renouncing fame and all things that keep u tied to this world.

Buddhism isn't about renouncing family.

You may be thinking of monastism- becoming a monk.

Most buddhists are not monks, they're not celibate and they maintain good relationships with their familes.

They do not cut all ties with the world, neither do they aspire to ending all desire.

They endevour to 'cut' only those ties/desires which lead to suffering.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

255 posts
Location: Melbourne - home of pirates

Wow.. Great thread!

I originally left a highly religious evangelical/pentecostal upbringing due to the major schism I had between many of my observations about the human condition and the intolerance and inflexible attitudes that I percieved to be present. After many years of trying to break myself of the same intolerance and inflexibility, I came to the conclusion that many mainline religions share the same dogmatic approach, and don't deal well when circumstances don't line up with their teachings.

Essentially most mainline religions don't teach the morality of their founders, they teach the morality that is held by the majority within the church, or the morality of the leaders of that church (using church generally here).

However, all credit to my parents, they taught me a compassionate, caring form of Christianity, where tithing (giving a tenth of your income to those less fortunate) and social justice were not seen as optional extras, but as essential to the practice of the faith. That compassion led me to believe that spirituality is not a lost cause, that the world will never get better unless we make it so.

After many years of searching for a dogmatic church to cling to, in the same way as I clung to Christianity as a child, I came to the conclusion that no single set of beliefs can satisfy our complex lives. I now believe (like many here, it would seem) a combination of pagan and Buddhist practices bring me to a closer relationship with the earth, with those I share the earth with, and bring me greater happiness and less suffering.

"You've gone from Loey the Wonder Lesbian to everyone wondering if you are a lesbian." - Shadowman

Yesterday is yesterday. If we try to recapture it, we will only lose tomorrow.

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

we know where i stand, but the question i have is: if everyone is following their own path what happens when the paths intersect in a not so good result
when should society limit the path (some people think they have a religious right to stone an adulterer)
but if everyone does their own thing, how can accords be reached
(this is a friendly question, looking for friendly answer in a friendly discussion)

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

robnunchucksBRONZE Member
363 posts
Location: manchester uk

an accord can only be reached between people through reason

so law should be decided on reason and free from religous influence.

reasoning and science should determin what the law should be baised on the goal of makeing as many people happy as posable if people want to restrict them selfs further with there own rules of conduct thats fine but they shouldn't apply to other people.

the american explicit seperation of church and state i feel was an excilent idea. that has prevented alot of problems in the US and should be adopted by more countrys.

"No one every critisized a country for been to reasonable"can't remember who said this

anyone can beleave anything so beleaf should have no place decideing law only facts should. its the only fair way to do it and of course in most places thats how we do it smile
EDITED_BY: robnunchucks (1166717061)

My nunchucks vital statictics biggrin

weight: 500g
handle lenght: 16 inches
chain length: 2 inches

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

but where do these laws come in to being...they come from someone's idea of right and wrong...which typically are morally based which may come from a religion
murder is considered wrong-why? our culture tells us typically murder is not right-other places, it can be justified and in those places another nonchristian religion is more dominant. perhaps, murder is an extreme example, but governmental corporal punishment
some say our reason is based on the community we grew up in and the community we currently exist in(nurture stuff inserted here)
if reason were a universal thing, we should all draw the same conclusions if we have the same information...but we don't as can be seen with all our discussion board
any law could be claimed as a restriction upon someone's belief

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

301 posts

theocracy is all very well when everybody believes the same thing but in a multicultural society it is untenable.

Laws should ideally allow everybody to do what they want to do so long as it doesn't infringe the right of others to do the same. In the case of murder, if I want to murder someone then that is wrong because I am denying them their right to do what they want to do (presuming that they do not want to be murdered).

Where laws go beyond this premis they bring up serious issues of liberty. Do I have the right to take drugs given that I am only harming myself? Do I have the right to commit suicide?

There are also issues concerned with where the line is drawn between someone who's rights you must respect and something that can be treated as an object to do with as you please. Abortion and animal rights issues are of this variety.

What Rob is advocating (I believe) is a utilitarian approach to law-making. Utilitarianism is distasteful to many but does provide a sound basis for the construction of a legal framework. in some cases (such as animal rights and abortion as mentioned above) a moral judgement may still be nescessary.

Walls may have ears but they don't have eyes

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