Forums > Help! > Flash -> Final Cut Pro -> DVD == UGLY flash??

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PyrolificBRONZE Member
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia

Hi All,

I teach Web Animation (Flash) and Digital Video Production (Final Cut Pro) - however I have run into a bit of a problem when trying to combine the two and I dont really know how to fix it. If you havent any experience with this work flow this might'nt make any sense, but here goes.

I create an animation in Flash - and I export it as a Quicktime Movie no worries. Looks great in the quicktime player.

I import the video into my FCP project, and it looks fine, I edit it into my sequence. all looks good. However - when I export my project from FCP to put it into iDVD it looks shocking. Now I've discovered that if I apply a de-interlace filter to my imported flash Quicktime it produces teh same nasty quality problem - so its a de-interlacing issue. Now I can produce a better result by fiddling with the export codecs in FCP, however when I get to iDVD the video is automatically de-interlaced and is stuffed again.

AFAIK, for broadcast TV the file needs to be de-interlaced at some stage - but I just cant work out how to de-interlace my flash so it looks better than crap?

Anyone shed some light?

If it would help, I could post example files (QT from flash, and same QT in PAL from FCP)?

PS - yes I've done a google search, yes I've tried the first 3 tutorials on this subject, yes I've still got the issue smile

Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

dreamSILVER Member
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Possibly a silly suggestion but use DVD studio pro instead. If you're teaching professional applications (such as flash and FCP) then using a program as limited and frustrating as idvd doesn't make much sense.

Unlike imovie/idvd in FCP and studio pro you should be able to select codecs/deinterlace setting rather than have the program try and do it for you (and inevitably get it wrong).

As a workflow for your students it will be similar to what can be found in some small independent post production companies - as opposed to idvd which is seen as exclusively a consumer product because of its limitations.

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-sandy-BRONZE Member
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I use fcp. Not so good with flash tho.

It sounds like an export problem to me, how are you exporting from fcp? are you using compressor or export using quicktime conversion?

Have you tried exporting it just as a final cut pro movie (rather than a quicktime) FCP and iDVD are both apple products so it ought to keep the settings you applied in fcp. If it isnt, then try checking the default import options on iDVD to see if its set to something different to what you want (preferences tab i think?).
FCP also has some built in menus for when you are exporting for dvd, there is loads of stuff in there so i cant tell you exactly what to do but the user manual in the help file of fcp has saved my ass on more than a few occasions.

And ive just thought, there is a quality setting for rendering previews quicker while you work, is it set to max quality before you export? (top left of your timeline next to the time code)

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PyrolificBRONZE Member
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I'll give DVD studio pro a shot, thanks for the suggestion.

I teach iDVD because it seems to me to be a far simpler program than DVD Studio Pro - and given I'm supposed to take students from nothing to planning, shooting, editing and producing their first short movie in 14 sessions (including the theory behind lighting, sound capture and editing, use of angles and lighting, etc ,etc ,etc), I didnt think I had time to even really scratch the surface of DVD Studio Pro. Additionally I would like to teach Motion and LiveType - but again, these are significant Apps...if I make the learning curve too steep the majority of my students will slide off! smile

Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

PyrolificBRONZE Member
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia

-Sandy- If I leave the export settings up to FCP, I get crud output. I can get far better output by using FCP -> Export-> Using QT conversion and choosing a better codec (not DV PAL)- however when it gets to iDVD its screwed again (I assume because it has to be de--interlaced for TV - and if the source isnt, iDVD forces it to be..??).

Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

dreamSILVER Member
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Location: Bristol, New Zealand

wow... that sounds like a pretty full on course... must be great to be on and to teach

the problem with imovie/idvd is that because you hardly get any options if the program doesn't do what you want it to more often than not you either need to find an elaborate and time consuming workaround using another program.

studio pro on the other hand gives you more options than you can shake a fairly big stick at - and you're right in that you wont have time to teach it beyond a fairly basic level - but then if were a student on a 14 week course i'd rather gain skills with professional programs - even if they were only the basics (in fairness expecting much more from pro programs which take months if not years to master is probably a tad unreasonable).

btw - thats coming from someone who teaches idvd/imovie as well as avid/fcp/ae/studio pro and finds it thoroughly depressing doing so... on the plus side if you're working with kids who aren't particularly tech savy, then there's far less that they can get wrong with idvd...

perhaps more pertinently... i'm a little thrown by your de-interlacing comments - surely your footage wants to be interlaced if its viewed on a tv (unless you're shooting and screening progressive HD footage - which as far i'm aware idvd wont do (you'd need to be authoring to blue-ray or HD-DVD) - as opposed to deinterlaced for a computer monitor?

which raises a question as to why idvd would be deinterlacing your footage when it encodes it as MPEG2...


He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.


PyrolificBRONZE Member
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia

dunno - all I can say is that when I have my sharp clear flash QT in FCP and I apply a de-interlace filter to it, it goes crud in exactly the same way as if I export from Flash -> DV PAL or from FCP -> DV PAL or if I import into iDVD...

Ive found a free app that seems to do a good job of converting the swf to avi - now I need to test it -> DVD.

I agree with the DVD studio thing. but just to get an idea of who I'm working with - one of my students didnt own a computer and did all her written assignments by hand! smile

why do you find it depressing to teach these apps?

Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
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wow, and here's me thinking you taught English language!

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PyrolificBRONZE Member
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia

 Written by: newgabe

wow, and here's me thinking you taught English language!

those are just two of the subjects I teach smile

I also teach (depending on my timetable) Multimedia Design, ESL Computing, and New Arrivals Program (foundation literacy), MS Office certificates, IT etc etc


Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Not just a pretty face then

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

PyrolificBRONZE Member
Returning to a unique state of Equilibrium
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia

hehe...I seek opportunities to learn!

Solution Found: Use QT Pro to convert the Flash exported QT Video from 'Movie' to 'Quicktime Movie' format. Dunno exactly what the difference is - but it works! smile

so yay!


Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

PyrolificBRONZE Member
Returning to a unique state of Equilibrium
3,289 posts
Location: Adelaide, South Australia

eh and painfully - I think if you have QT pro installed when you install Flash - it automatically exports as QT Movie - ie all this crap doesnt happen!!!! ARGH! smile

smile Yay!

Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

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