meettheheavyDIAMOND Member
1 post
Location: USA

Name: James

Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Hometown: Born in Boston... Have to say that's probably my hometown. I love it.

Birthday (sign?): I don't really know.

Age: 16, but I'm in college and... am... relatively mature compared to most people my age.

Sex: M

Occupation(s): N/A. Full time college student and lazy-ass kid.

Favorite Food(s): Any and all junk food/candy.

Favorite Color(s): Purple!

What is the wing speed of an unladen swallow? African or European?

Toys: What? I like flowlights, easier to glowstick with than ninja poi. Sorry! The design just isn't wrap-oriented!

Hobbies other than the obvious: Listening to music. Seeking after the ladies.

Education: 2 years of college mostly in political science / international relations / international studies.

Favorite Book(s): The bible! Don't disrespect god near me! (Just kidding, I'm an atheist, I really couldn't care less what you believe. Lots of my friends are Mormon, Catholic, and Christian.)

Favorite Movie(s): I have a few. Don't watch too many or watch them often so I can't think of a specific one.

Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why? Star Wars. Because godzilla sucks. grin

Favorite TV show(s): DR WHO!

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) I would LOVE to join the foreign service, still have two years left before I make a real choice though.

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Headhunterz, for sure. Madeon comes in a good second.

Do you think these pants make my butt look too big? wat

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): Anything Ben&Jerry's

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella?* Nutella. I'm a silly American and I don't even know the other two.

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