Forums > Introductions > The United Chains of Fire (Jon)

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15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Name: Jon, JonCof, Master UCOF, UCOF, JonnyUCOF, Oiyou, or something along those lines.

Location: Right here. Apparently right now too. (London) Boat with simian.

Hometown: Harrow (North West London) but now live in Southall (West London)

DOB: 30/ 6/ 1985

Age:20 and a half.


Occupation(s): Woprks fo r hte Discovery Channel and Animal Planet as a video tape librarian. Basically, if it wasnt for us, neither of these channels (or the 30 or so sub channels) would be on air biggrin

Favorite Food(s): Fish fingers, instant mashed potato and baked beans. Lasagne. Pizza.

Favorite Color(s): UV Green and Black together.

Toys: Poi, Stick, Sticks, Contact Stick, Contact Sticks, Balls, Clubs, Rings, Hoops, CJ and other things I cant think of right now.

Hobbies other than the obvious: Getting stoned, meeting people, eating out, eating people, eating people out, travelling to work.

Education: GCSEs and A Levels (in Physics, German, General studies and IT) biggrin

Favorite Book(s): Yellow Pages

Favorite Movie(s): Forrest Hump, Pulp Friction, Romancing the Bone, Snow White and the Seven Sailors, Saving Ryan's Privates, Buffy the Vampire Layer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Dildoes, Rambone, Monty's Python and the Holey Girl, E-Three: The Extra Testicle.

Favorite TV show(s):The IT Crowd and other things that make me laugh.

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) A giraffe (and/ or) on crack.

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: 2 many DJs, UK Hip Hop, stuff I can dance to

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): Straight wink

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella? Nutella.

hello...seems eveyone is getting their own intro thread nowerdays and we thought that if we didnt jump on the bandwaggon, we would miss the boat.

The United Chains of Fire are mainly Jonathan and Chris (plus others)..but tis mainly jonathan who posts on here...

Ive met most of the UK crew and if there are any of you out there who i havent...we will meet you asap.

Our Website

much hugs, love and other random thingys <img src=" title="" src="graemlins/hug.gif" />

------added after cass' reply---

(changing into The United Chains of Fire is currently Jonathan speaking as in Chris is from this moment onwards Frosty Poi)

ok main toy is poi(hey thats but I also do staffing, doubles, diablo, juggling, contact juggling and Astro Jax. I havent gone anywhere near devil sticks as they are stupidly hard...and I dont have much perserverance.

*edit* the last sentence is now pure bullsht.

jonathan is 17

We goto school together in the shithole which is Dr. Challoners Grammar School, Amersham and we have done for 4 years

It was Frosty Poi who got me into poi on a german exchange trip last october. i got the chase in 1 minute...and the 3 beat in about 5

i like nutella, cheese and sara lee double chocolate gateaux...cos its bloody fantastically chocolatly lovely

[ 17. June 2003, 22:29: Message edited by: The United Chains of Fire (Jon) ]

DentrassiGOLD Member
3,045 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia


"Here kitty kitty...." - Schroedinger.

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Oh Lord.

I love each and every one of you.

Steph - BIg *hug*. I miss you, I miss your brother, I miss your pool. I miss the magpies trying to kill me. I miss the child with boobs. and the dinosaur-shaped dougnuts.

Mr Chutney - I've helped you tomove house since you posted that last message. Im ;gad I spea to you still at least once a week. grin

Firetramp - Im [censored] awesome, I hav eq 14 month year old son wh ois awesome. Things a pretty good! How are you and yours? Also, happy birthday!

Dent - TROZ f't'm'wbro hug - Miss you - when you back in UK?

So..Im back here after every while.
Things have changed, life has moved - Im now the father to a 14 month year old who is quite franklym awesome.

I come back here and am genuinely sadened by the lack of activity of this forum. Im at the top of the introduction threads and the last post was over a month and a week ago. What the actual [censored]?
I miss people. I miss my frends. I miss peple I hate. I miss peple I love and missed speking to and having part of my life.
Seeing the last thread in a forum was replied to 4 years ago is absolutley heartbreaking. But time moves on, Facebook has taken over all socail forums, not only this one, and life must go on. As longa s Malcolm and the shop are doing well, I dont mind. Those who are important to me, or who I am important to, we keep in touch., facebook or not.

I havent spun, juggled or done anyting like that in years. I miss it. I have no one around who does it,so no emphasis on practising. I miss being able to juggle 6 balls. I miss being able to do a 7 beat parrell weave (thanks Dom!). I miss those whom I should have given my heart to, but being an arsehole, didnt.

simian - I miss you more than anyone else on this earth, I have learnt to live without you. I wish you would get in touch, speak to me, or email me, but yet you chose to live in self exile. Please. Stop it. I need to know you are OK. I know you are alive, and I I tracked down where you live, but I chose to give you that space after that single text message. I wish I was at Play when you were, but our stars did not collide. You know where I am, you know how to contact me. If you read this, PLEASE get in touch. I lived with you for a year and you were my best friend. It destroys me to not be able to speak to you. I want to know what you are doing and that you are OK.

I really do miss how things were.
When I was 16-24.
Those really were the best years of my life

EDITED_BY: UCOF (1418487666)

RyGOLD Member
Gromit's Humble Squire
4,496 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

For old time's sake. Where has the time gone hey? Hope you're doing well Jon you old fogey wink

brodiemanold hand
1,024 posts
Location: london

Hey ucof long time no see! You coming back to wow as well loads of familiar faces there also

=Flashpoint=SILVER Member
Pasta of Muppets
2,722 posts
Location: in the interwebs..., United Kingdom

Hey Jon, just to let you know, that post was very moving. You are now and have always been awesome.


_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Yo! I have an 11-month old grin

There's like a million Play babies grin

See you at the next one???

Getting to the other side smile

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom


I found my log in.

that post was touching. I came on here as you requested it. It was such a great time we had then, but I feel we stil have great times ahead smile

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

house_of_millGOLD Member
old hand
896 posts
Location: Manchester England

You've just made my eyes water, even more than when your head collided with my nose during the Beach Flingo/Aerotech experiment.

I never even realised that HOP were social media back then, it were just a way of finding amazing people to go off on adventures with. I do long for those adventures again and slowly but steadily more hoppers are back in my life.

Once again Jon you have inspired me, but this time it is not a 5ball flash, it's to get off my arse and adventure with some hoppers a little more.

weavesmiley weavesmiley weavesmiley weavesmiley weavesmiley weavesmiley
wave wave kiss kiss kiss blush blush bounce2 bounce2 bounce2

*Thats one of my favourite Nurseries over there,*

Roman, Trippie Hippie,On the way back from Play Festival

Bubbles_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,384 posts
Location: mancunian, United Kingdom

Miss youuuuuu!!!!!!

Disclaimer:im not responsible for what i say or do whether it be before,during and after drinking alcoholic substances (owned by BMVC).
Creater of Jenisms(TM)
Virginity like bubble,one prick all gone.

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