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totti51091SILVER Member
1 post
Location: USA

So I haven't spun poi since my girl and I split last year because I was just using her poI that I bought her. So now I'm trying to find a poi simile to the weight of hers, I bought her the monkey fist pro poi, does anyone know if there are any similar in weight?

Kombi guyBRONZE Member
225 posts
Location: HOP Central, New Zealand

Hiya, the Pro series MF fire poi sets are around 400 grams per set but it would depend on what kind of poi you are looking for, are you simply wanting a set of non fire poi that are about that weight etc ? Some have extra drag through the air factors like cone poi etc and also what routines etc etc etc you are wanting to do plays a part, but as an example a set like this is about 380-400 grams also.
maybe take look through the shop and then in the specs all weights/info etc are listed if thats helpful

Happy spinning :-)

ABOB - Pois'n'us
178 posts
Location: Northern Ireland

i agree with kombi, if you want the cheaper non-fire option then look at the specs of the poi you bought her and create some yourself; fill a balloon with rice/beans/something-similar using a set of scales to gauge weight, add another balloon around it (less chance of busting on you) tie it and put in a non stretchy long sock (do x2 tongue2 ). if you want a fire version then just buy the same poi for yourself or if youre thinking LED then look for something with similar specs -id recommend podpoi myself, you can add small weights onto it if it doesnt quite feel right.


happy spinnings smile

I dont want to be called 'the greatest' or 'one of the greats'; let other guys claim to be the best. I just want to be known as a clown, to me thats the height of my profession. It means you can do everything-sing, dance, and above all, make people laugh

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