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Profile for gordie3

Registered on: 19th Dec 2004
Total posts: 3

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Last Forum Posts

anyone have tent space for a complete stranger? ummmmm i have an accent, thats right i'm a FOREIGNER oOoOooOo

i just couldn't find prices on the site i was a little confused, i may be an idiot thou i can accept that haha. and sorry bout starting the extra thread, i saw the first few pages of t...

hey guys, i'm VERY new here so be gentle haha. I'm actually backpacking around australia and heres my story. ON a very confused day wehre i didn't know where i wanted to go (i'm curre...

Follow your Friends

Shadow flower
Tricksy Pixie
Painting with light
On top of the world
Queen Elsa
Eva flow
Haunted Island
Caught in the Vortex
Through the gates of hell
Silver Light Alien
For the love of friends and flow ~
To the Goddess and back
Stilt LED ball Juggling
Walkin on Water
123 Smile 😁
Lara croft
Sailor Saturn
Partner Poi
Fire God
Smoky fans
Filigree Flames
Attention grabbing opener
multi flower
Florida Flow Sesh
Glow Party
Triples at the Beach
Standing Split
The Ring Of Fire


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