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Profile for thechemlife

GOLD Member since Aug 2012
Registered on: 21st Aug 2012
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

New to the performance side of things but I'm curious to see what people think.

Hey guysNew to poi but have been doing staff stuff for a while now. Was wondering if any of you are still in toronto or doing meetups or anything. I'd love to meet some other spinners a...

Follow your Friends

Marky & JayJay
Kali Ma
The Great Starter
fire dress and mask
A girl lost in a hoop world
Behind The Black
I am Lotus Fire
My Guardian
Temple to Music - Roger Williams Monument
On stage at the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween
Poi is my ink!
Manipulation Swamp
last night of summer
fans on the peace bus
From the pits of HELL
Park Jam
my life,my world,my game
Firey skies
Sacred Fire!!!
Flame Sword
Diamond Kaleidoscope
Jarred Chalke
three story fire spinner
Sunset Hooping
Bring it Mr. Potter
Mia in Motion captured by Jamie McFadyen
Mandala& Fire Palms on Wood
I saw you coming, little fire.


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