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Profile for mrhairy

Registered on: 6th Apr 2001
Total posts: 10

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Last Forum Posts

I was taught to didj and poi by my ex-gf. She told me one Aboriginal legend as to where the didj came from. This guy was lost in the outback and having nothing else to do started blowin...

I recommend ballet.My experience is that it's given me more awareness from head to (nicely pointed) toe.The side effect is that I prefer to spin to classical music.Dance is a very perso...

I've stayed there a couple of times.It's a fun place.Jugglers Rest 8 Canterbury St Picton Cellular phone 0-25-372 221From overseas the number would be: *-64-25-372221------------...

Follow your Friends

Contact Poi with view
Southern Cross
3 poi at home
Hoop spiral
I spin these strings around my head and I wont stop dancing til Im dead.
Mind on fire
flying flamez - fully element
Fans @ Barnyard Boogie
Insatiable Appetite
LegzzZZ Challenge!!
Multispin flower
Wonders of the baton
Hard Times Require Furious Dancing
magic fire bubble
By the fire
Light Up the Action!
Look mom no feet
flow love &lt;3
Sparkcon 2013
The Universe in you Hands
Finding Peace
Dusk Til Dawn
Ooops c daisy
desert fire
Aenya Little Fire Defending the Gates!
EL FUEGO DE LA VIDA performance : Elastic Heart


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