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Profile for morti666cian

BRONZE Member since Sep 2005
Registered on: 26th Sep 2005
Total posts: 17

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Last Forum Posts

sweet, I'll keep you updated on the first meet!I'd love to have one in a few weeks!!

Hey guys n gals, my names Dan and I've been spinning for a few years now, I'm looking for anyone in Reading who wants to meet up regularly over the summer and sunny times lol. Any exp...

Hey guys I'm living in Reading at the mo and If anyones interested for a lil poi meet this weekend, maybe saturday day?jus get back to me! Everyones welcome, poi or staff, juggling, wa...

Follow your Friends

Alpha Centaury
contact poi - costa rica
1st dragon pic &lt;3
Fire between us
not the usual
Staff throw
LED hooping at Imagine Festival
6 good reasons
look mom, no hands
photo bomb level contact poi above the head
Flaming Flowers
you spin me round
Lighting up philly
dragon staff single
Fire and Water
Checkered trinity
Clockwork Pirateman
Gag me...
Fire shower
Fire on the River
ken arok
Fire love
Fire Poi Graffiti Tunnel
Lets DRESS Fire
Moment of Bliss


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