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Profile for maggie

Registered on: 26th Jul 2002
Total posts: 12

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Last Forum Posts

Hi all ,just posting to see if their is any poi gatherings around the Islington area over the next week (14th - 21st sept) ?????

Thanx Mark P Is there any shops in Bath that sell poi or any kind of juggling stuff ??

Hi all does anybody know whether you can buy glowsticks that are not the ones that you snap and that your can use longer eg. battery power etc ??? and where from luv ya all ! keep twirl...

Follow your Friends

Finding balance as the sun sets....
She dances in the ring of fire...
Me and my Buugeng Dragon @ O.Z.O.R.A.
Feathers and fans
Sea of Serenity
Raging in Rohan
Flame Flower
Flaming dragon tango 🌶
Phoenix fire convention
Poi Portal
Nunchuck Flow
Fire poi on the water..
summoning circle
Cotton candi
fire fans.
For the sunset
DEC Spinner
Basement Lights
you tell me another way i can make light dance
flower power
Head Spin!!!
Gaia Fyah
Black & White Flower
Apres Burn
Day is done
Fire Poi


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