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Profile for George

Registered on: 19th Aug 2002
Total posts: 3

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Last Forum Posts

Are there any other pyro types living in sleepy 'ol Cambridge these days?Whats there to do in terms of fire spinning? Anyone want to meet up sometime and find out?

I just lean forwards a bit at the waist and swing the poi in reverse split time as far back as I can while maintaining a good circle shape. Then I fling my left arm over to the right (a...

Is it possible to do a reverse fountain, i.e. a windmill in the middle of a reverse weave? I've been trying it out and I think it should be possible to pull off with a slight change of ...

Follow your Friends

make me happy
Creek side spins
Stalling for Joy
Through the fire and the flames
Who needs hands anyway
poi at 12,000 feet
Celtic Dream
Puppy Poi
The Abstract Cosmos
sparkling lights
Going Up
bright moth
Juste Debout
red jungle
LED at Snow Flow
Flame keeper
Fire dance
Alchemy by Starlight
Hoop hangs
Circustastic Hoopoholic
Led poi
Couples who flow together, grow together.♥
Keepin The Oldskool Vibez Alive With Glowstringing !
FenyxFyre at Peace
Psychadelic Bubble
Steampunk Hoop & Staff Duet


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