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Profile for bradhorn

BRONZE Member since Jan 2006
Registered on: 12th Jan 2006
Total posts: 28

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Last Forum Posts

My little angel by Noshima is great you can get it from i tunesbrad

Check it. 11th grade only is over in about 3 weeksWEEEEE

for the weave, just licke it has been mentioned, push the poi moving to the other side UNDER your arm, Left hand under right moving to the Right and Visa VersaFor the threading the need...


Service and support  
15th February, 2006
love it
"all the staff and personell at HOP are helpful full of energy and very insightful thanks again for great service quick delivery and well built products BRAD"
Robinson, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2006

LED Wand Lightstick  
15th February, 2006
"I totaly love these light sticks. they are light weight and when put together with 2 sticks per string you get a great weight and amazing color variety. These are the Ultimate in LED glow poiing. Thanx for a GREAT PRODUCT I will definitely recomend this product to anyone who asks me on a great product for poi. THANKS MALCOM BRAD"
Robinson, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2006

Follow your Friends

fan-cy smile
4 poi
2 years
summer fun
Bride in Fire !
Dodging Fireballs Gracefully
Blindfolded Dragon
hyperloop gag
Light hearted
Dancing In The Stars
Fire blow over full moon
light up the night
The Archer
Just stay at home
Butterfly in the tree
Spitfire and Sparkbug
Light messages from Lemuria
Wearing a flaming sword
RedFox Fire
feicha addicted
6 Ball
Balls at Bin Ladens Riyadh HQ
A warming touch
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
Embrace the Darkness
Lady Crowley cosplay and her silk flame colored fans

