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Profile for poibaby

BRONZE Member since Feb 2006
Registered on: 24th Feb 2006
Total posts: 9

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Last Forum Posts

i was spinning staff a bout a week before i lit up and poi three days . . . but both in a comfortable enviornment with people i trusted and who knew what they were doing. . . like every...

yea . . . i did get a bit suspicious about that . . . but i think it has a few for each different name or something . . . cause if you put in a totally different name a different bunch ...

ok, along the lines of threads posted by Skulduggery and Sir Nugget, which superhero are you?i found some fun quizzy things and thought i'd share! www.blogthings.com/superheronamegener...

Follow your Friends

O-poi loud and free on their sexiness
Black and white buzzsaw
balls everywhere
Juggling Fire
Vortex of Color
Cookie Monster with Fire Fans
flower of life
Buzz saw
winter rain
Dinner Date!
Vodka & Fire Always Mix Well
Let your wolf out
Photo - poi
Dancing with poïs
Heels over head
No.  Strings attached ;P
Sky above me; Earth below me; Fire within me.
Lucy and Sarka
Do you even toe hang?
The Galaxy Girlz
Carnival Mood
Look Ma No Hands
Bolass au Portugal
Spinning at Psy Candy.  Sydney
Dead Jester
Florida Flow Sesh
Becoming One
Dream Fire
Flow friends
Sassy split


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