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Profile for Sailor25

Registered on: 24th Oct 2002
Total posts: 16

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Last Forum Posts

Try Borox powder, or grab a light, and walk around your kitchen... Should be able to find something.Sailor25

OK,I checked on the net, and this is what I found... I spool of Nichrome wire is about $8.00 for 2500 ft. of so cheap it isn't worth worrying about reusing. Aparently it is the same stu...

One of my favorite moves for getting out of a butterfly is to do a double wrap. When you pull them apart into a reverse butterfly, they drop real easy into a reverse weave. Not really h...

Follow your Friends

marina swing
Sticky Icky
having good fun with pyros
Pin-Up Photoshoot/Only image of my tattoo I have
Railway Perfor Man
Flower Power
Hot air balloon show
High Stepping - A Progression
AntiSpin en Lima
Edmund! Student of Lumen1
fire eyes
Contortion flow
NLQ Beach
Prop? I AM the prop!
Rainbow health!
Me and my family
Sacral Chakra
Pyrokinetic playtime...
Minis by the pool
Whips, Chains and Fire... What else would one need?... Besides a Fire-Whip
Zombie Bazaar Fuego
Its defiantly hot
Detroit BURNS!
Late night poi sesh
Handstands at natural bridges state park
keeeep da faya burning!!
Koh rong sunset flow


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