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Profile for Pele'sWhippingBoy

Registered on: 18th Jun 2001
Total posts: 442

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Last Forum Posts

Quote:So I am not going to worry about my car that piddles around the highway at 33mpg. (For those using the evil metric system thats a freeking hell of alot!) I was bored and figured...

I thought we had to wait for confirmation that we were right.

Quote:"caw caw, bang &lbr;censored&rbr; i'm dead" The Crow. The first one. And, IMHO, the best one.I get to reply with a new quote, right?"Uhhh... the sea monkeys have my money... yes...

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Rick hawk
Hoops, dreadlocks, and sunflowers!
LeFreak of the Party
Leviwand trails
Alab Hunk Poi Benjamin
Fire suns
Mike, The Man
Janable Lectors Dragon Breath....
hooping and smile
Fire & Shade
Sisters of the fire
2 flowers
Fire Hooper
Raving willow
LEDs yet fiery
Detroit Fire
Think of YOU
Sea on fire
Balance is Key
Swan Dive
4 Elements and Dragon Hands
Fire in the Mountains: Telluride
Diabolo Fire Burn
The lake
anonymous Pyrofreak fire vs led
M25 Burnoff
cosmic karma arco jump


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