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Profile for tkerby

Registered on: 7th Jan 2001
Total posts: 30

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Last Forum Posts

I have a Flaming Halo! I was going to use one of the metal hats from the war as a base but couldnt find one. So it has become a yellow hard hat with a piece of shower curtain rail and...

Spinning in Scotland has been no problem at all, whether busking for money or just having fun. At worst I've been moved on a couple of times but usually only when people have been drum...

HiI sometimes poi with arm guards on. These are basically a nice bit of leather in a trapezium shape cut with the height almost the length of my forearm, and the top and bottom widths ...

Follow your Friends

fire moment
Fire Nymph among the tropical forest
5 ball group
Beauty is in the Eye
Ring of fire
Fire on the Mountain
warm circle
Magical ball juggling
Night Flow on Dauin Beach
My tattoo when it was just done
Gymnast tricks
Kalalea Fire
On the Edge
Bow Stance Fire Sword
fire bender
Flame Hoops
Fire Eater
Flying into the Woods
Hoop &lt;3
Double Trouble ;
warm and cozy
Multidimensional Sunrise
Beach Speed Spinning
Snakes at the circus
Lunar Orbit
Express Yourself
Festival brothers!


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