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Profile for duballstar

SILVER Member since Sep 2003
Registered on: 2nd Sep 2003
Total posts: 2,216

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Last Forum Posts

Will try for the hols but I'm not holding my breath!

Registered and hols books for the Friday of last weekend. Love the idea of te juggling game! I wish I didn't have a job that means no long hols in September

yo.. thought I'd better post something while on my way through. Just digging out old pics for Len who is following his lovely Star to Canada soon... better make these last few weeks cla...

Follow your Friends

Carl | Belvedere Mont-Royal | Montreal | Canada
opp in the air
Handstand with ball
Fire on the Pasture
The Imagination Warrior
Dooper Dog
Bonaroo BuzzFeed Belle
Fire Witch
Fire poi on the water..
3 Poi Play Day Play
Hearts on Fire
mad flames
Meteor staff power
My Biohazard tattoo...
Energy of a goddess
Diablo en el Fuego
fire silhouette
Psychadelic Bubble
Fan darkness
Fawn Fatale and Fire
Sunset flag poi
Topsy Turvy
Sparkling Rainbows
Matrix moves
pregnant poi
el greñas!!!


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