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Profile for Dragon7

GOLD Member since Oct 2003
Registered on: 16th Oct 2003
Total posts: 625

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Last Forum Posts

When asking a serious question and getting nothing but joke or snide answers, what would keep a person coming back?-quote.. about back in the day. I really miss talkin to all the peopl...

UCOF iz god Many Maori believe the geneology *sequence of : *Io Matua *Ko Te Ao and Ko Te Po*Ranginui and Papatuanuku*Tane Mahuta and Hine-i-te-repo*Pakoti*Hinerauamoa (God of poi)Actu...

Gee you guys ripped me a new one Sorry i didnt come accross very well. Sorry also Patriarch917, I wasn't meaning ALL americans. I was only refering to Lightning and NYC. I feel its po...

Follow your Friends

. . .  pur    love  . . .
Hoop Smear Sphere
Set the night on fire
Goldie Light
The best way to juggle
A rose by any other name
Poi love
Phoenix rising
Mountain Lights
The Last Night of Love
Koh rong sunset flow
Dragon Staff
Lay down
The ghost of light
Fan the Flames
Spiral Wrap
That´s just Fire !
FANtastic fireplay
Tasting the Heat
Triangle Face Balance
To be or not to be
Divine Harmony
Fire Eye
Fire fans
Spinning in my sleep
Epic rule


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