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Profile for CaptainMoofish

Registered on: 11th Oct 2007
Total posts: 27

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Last Forum Posts

Greetings, everyone! I should go ahead and say that I'm not a new member; I joined a few months ago, but I was called into battle against British immigration officers shortly thereafter...

Gosh, I reckon I could write a sizeable book about my bad habits.I'm a dirty foul-mouthed-chain-smoking-table-drumming-pub-frequenting-dirty-pan-leaving lazy pothead. But you can always...

I met Robbie Coltrane in the street once. He was coming out of a chippy. Totally smashed, haha.

Follow your Friends

Phoenix riding a dying star
fire spinning
fire knot
The Flame
In my fire bubble
Fire Vortex
Into the Woods
Welcome Home
LED astound
Fighting against the night
Fire dance
Mushroom flower
A man and his fire
poi geometry
Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
Kaleidoscope Manipulation Act
Bendy on the Ganges River
mt rainier flow
Megan Fan Fire
Ring of Fire
Split the Fire
Fire Poi
winter princess
Clowning around
Fire is my boyfriend
having good fun with pyros
In the basement of a 1960s theater house
Untitled 2


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