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Profile for flamingfrog

Registered on: 24th Mar 2004
Total posts: 19

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Last Forum Posts

Hey dudeI am part of a kinda semi-professional outfit (well a junior member anyway ) called highly Flammable in Dunedin, NZWe hire ourselves out a fair bit - mostly to the local stude...

Tossing the staff back and forth is a good one - especially if each person does a couple of moves before tossing.Looks even better if there is someone kneeling between the two people do...

do you maybe mean like what is a cool way to start off into you fire dancing routine when doing staff? or are you referring to a specific move?If you mean how do you start off....after ...

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CrazyPink UK
Behind the back
Hybrid Dino Hoop
sparkling lights
Blue Water Bridge
Cleaning communication
Chris Blaze
Another back bend
One Man Steam Act
circle of fire
Fierce Smile of Fire
Big heart in the night.
Death Mask
Fire 🔥Storm
handcuffed fire staff
Do what you love. Love what you do.
Inside the flames
gypsy flow
Fire bending
jedi flow
Fire Devil
Beautiful Uruguay
Hoop Love
Ariels solo to moana
burning bonsai
devilish chariot
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