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Profile for toneman

Registered on: 17th Oct 2001
Total posts: 195

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Last Forum Posts

kinda off topic, but for the firestaff fueling thingy....you could make a case kind of similar to a musical instrument case that is round, and just big enough in diameter for the wicks ...

I too, have the 3 piece Concentrate staff and I love it! get 3! I also have two electroglo staffs and a set of electroglo poi. They are awesome! I've treated them like crap, and ...

how about: The Belly Boogie Good Luck!

Follow your Friends

Dragon staff
Acro with fire fans
World Juggling Day
Steam punk Princess
Get Cracking
A Fiery Christmas
Zen Poi
fire love
Beach zen
Me and my Buugeng Dragon @ O.Z.O.R.A.
Fire buddies
Dusk @ MT Martha
Lady Ninja
Pleasing the ladies
Wallplane at Dusk
June Dark
Circus Of The Dead
The face through the fire
Puppet Fire
you tell me another way i can make light dance
Love and light
Cancun nights
Fire spinning flower exposure.
Amber Lily
Fire freeze
Mia on Fire
Mary Eating Fire


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