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Profile for marloes2001

BRONZE Member since Jun 2008
Registered on: 9th Jun 2008
Total posts: 8

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Last Forum Posts

Hi everyone,A little more south than most of the spinners here...Marloes from (a little village near) Nijmegen!

Sounds like fun Nephtys ! It would be nice if it is a little bit more central in the country instead of the wadden... What kind of location do you have in mind? Scouting huts are not t...

Wow! Nice vid!Is the article available in english?


Fire Safety Training  
23rd June, 2008
"I was browsing the shop and saw the free dvd about fire spinning. I am from The Netherlands and I ordered this DVD because I sometimes spin with fire and have friends who want to spin to. This way I can inform them about safety riscs etc and make sure nothing is skipped. I have learned some things I never tought about!The dvd is easy to follow with clear instructions and tips. Two thumbs up for HOP for giving away this free DVD!"
Marloes, Netherlands.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jun 2008

Follow your Friends

Fire and water
Izzy Bellissima
steam saltimbanque
Fire Vortex
Hypnotic, the magic of a flame.
led poi
Holding fire with your teeth
Juggling Love
Eric at Oasis
Flowers flame
Dance with the dragonstaff
The World Moves With You Love
Nature Tree Hooping
“Secret Love”
Sunset Flow!!!!
Dream on little dreamer
Hoop Skirt
Flower work with ninja Poi
Concentrate C5 play staff
For the Crowd
Poi your pants off!
my wings
Under The Flame
Inside of geometry
Fire Dragon
Poi by the beach
Phoenix Hoop Bliss


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