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Profile for tinnyg13

GOLD Member since Apr 2009
Registered on: 18th Apr 2009
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

Hello all! My name is Tinny and I just recently moved to Nashville TN. I've been spinning for about 4 years now and since I am in a new city I need to find new Poi friends! If you are i...

Hey glitzy are you still in Nashville? I just moved here and am looking for Poi friends!

Hello Poi friends. My name is Tinny and I recently moved to Knoxville Tn from St.Louis and I need someone to spin with!! I'm a photographer as well so I can get some great shots of ya s...


Service and support  
26th May, 2009
thank you home of poi no thank you post office!
"When I had originally ordered my poi there was a problem with the shipping but as soon as I informed Home of Poi of the problem they had another sent out that day with express mail(no charge) and i recieved it 3 days later! And again Many thanks to Home of Poi! Excellent quality products and great customer service!"
Tiffany, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Apr 2009

Single MB Flip Juggling Club  
29th April, 2010
nothing but good things to say about H.O.P.
"I ordered my Glow Poi on April 19th and they arrived April 25th! great quality! super fun glow toys highly suggested to anyone who loves poi!"
Tiffany, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Apr 2009

Partner Poi - Lessons  
12th July, 2011
"Me and my partner have only watched it once so far and we have already learned so much! They break it down so it's easy to follow and easy to learn. I highly recommend it."
Tiffany, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Apr 2009

Pair of Multi-Color LED Glow Sock Poi  
29th April, 2010
nothing but good things to say about H.O.P.
"I ordered my Glow Poi on April 19th and they arrived April 25th! great quality! super fun glow toys highly suggested to anyone who loves poi!"
Tiffany, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Apr 2009

Follow your Friends

Oly boat
Canyon Caps
Fire and sparkle
What goes up...
The flower of my life
Through dimensions
Day dreaming, night flowing
Aerial arts - Cirque
Blissed out
Full House
Draco and Deshawn fire swords
Kaleidoscope Manipulation Act
Fire Bride
Phoenix Fire Art
A Yorkshire Fire Fairy!
Burned the candle at both ends
sacred flame
Druid Buugeng
Rogue  flame solo performer at Wonderland Festival Germany using Dragon staff
flow life
Magic Mushroom
Here comes the Plume!!
You Just Know


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