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Profile for The Tea Fairy

The Tea Fairy
old hand
SILVER Member since Jul 2004
Registered on: 1st Jul 2004
Total posts: 853

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Last Forum Posts

AAARGH, WHY ARE SO MANY JOBS AND COMPANIES COMPLETELY CRAPPY?!(I'm getting so frustrated and disillusioned with my lack of 'career'... I don't want to be working in an office any more! ...

Woohoo! I am back in Gloucestershire! Living in Cheltenham (well, up leckhampton hill). Might check out this green belt festival thingy, I haven't spun for ages and ages but would be go...

Oooh, a big chunk of my dissertation was about attitudes towards death and dying! Shame it was so long ago and you're assignment is due soon!We've definitely seen an increase in the num...

Follow your Friends

Electric forest ❤️
Dread under the arc
Led warrior
Are you mad?
Girl on Fire
Gods canvas - Poi on the river
Tree Hooping
Fairy Circus
Fire 🔥
Stationary Wick
Fiery alab Poi  dancers PH
Sunset sparkle
Payne and Sarah
fire dragon
Boo flower
Snow, Fire and Buggeng
Poi Passion
Ninja Rainbow
FAN-tastic night
Release to mature
Fire Faery
Moonlight power
In love with my passion
Rainbow Nixie
Led poi practice
Cirque du Sac
Fire Clown


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