Set your wings on fire uploaded by 62caddycoupe

Final results

Set your wings on fire

First time ever spinning anything... never even practiced spinning before I dipped my dragon staff and instantly felt connected with it!
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Submitted on 2019-02-18 Views:2971
Set your wings on fire

As picked by HoP
1. Reaching entered by onehoopgirrl
2. Rise Like a Phoenix entered by kittydevereux
3. Fire Devil entered by Kristinarev

No. 1
star power
No. 2
May the light be with you!
No. 3
Dancing Fire
No. 4
Fire fire
No. 5
The Summoning
No. 6
Share the heat
No. 7
Wook assassin
No. 8
Turtle down
No. 9
Leviwand trails
No. 10
Triple staffs
No. 11
Freeway Helix Burnoff
No. 12
Spin Designs are Your Fingerprints
No. 13
No. 14
Always go green ^-^
No. 15
Just wandering around
No. 16
Puppet pulling her own strings
No. 17
Eric with fire wand
No. 18
Winter Cannot Stop Me
No. 19
Set your wings on fire
No. 20
Rocca calascio
No. 21
Fire Devil
No. 22
Before the show
No. 23
Monster shark
No. 24
sunset staff session
No. 25
A Faded Glow
No. 26
No. 27
Fire staff long exposure
No. 28
find that funny
No. 29
X marks the spot
No. 30
Snow staff
No. 31
Staff fireworks
No. 32
No. 33
No. 34
Staff performance
No. 35
Stanley Styx and Pyromania Fire Performance
No. 36
Rise Like a Phoenix


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