I wanted more but I only got one?

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I wanted more but I only got one?

When we list products we take care to describe them well.If you think you received the wrong amount please check the following information on your order invoice. Login into your account to view orders and invoices.Common pit falls..The word "Poi" is both singular and plural. So we add the words 'Single','set' or 'Pair of' to the product title/description.eg.A single Poi ball is only one ball/head on a cord.A pair of Poi is two balls/heads on cords.A Poi set will include two balls/heads on cords.Juggling balls do not come in a set of three, unless it states so. As you can juggling from just one ball to many more we sell most balls as 'singles' so users can order as many as they need.Still missing product?Ooops, sorry about that. Please contact us so we can send the missing items.

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