学ぶ FIRE training + extras - Fire Breathing Accident

DVD Previews - Fire Breathing Accident

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HOP • Published on 1 Feb, 2006

This is a 16minute interview with Pele from www.pyromorph.com

Find out how she got started in these arts, what she has seen in her career and hear about her own fire breathing accident.

Please feel free to save a copy on your computer using the link below the video.

Last modified on 24 Apr, 2013


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Comments/replies: 9
Member #94152
Reged: Jun 2009
Post14th Jul 2009 10:14 AM 

amazing video, i haven't burned yet but i am certainly going to take every safety precaution before spinning fire

Member #95076
Reged: Jul 2009
Post16th Jul 2009 10:13 AM 

can i just ask why, on a windy day, would you trust Fire Breathing (supposedly 'the most dangerous of all the arts') less than you would trust your poi? i imagine your less likely to breath in your Poi.
and also surely body fire is more dangerous?
and im not trying to be obnoxious or anything above sorry guys

your just jelous cos the voices only talk to ME!!!

Member #105967
Reged: Feb 2010
Post17th Mar 2010 11:31 AM 

poi is generally closer to your body so it would be more likely to light up then taking a breath...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. ~Buddha

Member #108121
Reged: Mar 2010
Post28th Mar 2010 1:28 PM 

I have always respected fire when i breathed fire and spun Fire Poi, but now i think about my friends, family, and myself. thanks

Member #119712
Reged: Oct 2010
Post7th Oct 2010 12:43 PM 

You are so beautiful! I know that probably sounds creepy, but I was trying to read up on some fire arts. I found this site and noticed how experienced you seemed. I noticed how caring and kind you were, even to strangers that you have never met. I wanted to find a picture of you, and I finally saw the picture of you firebreathing. Absolutely wonderful, BTW.

I also read your story article thing about the accident. I am absolutely astonished that you had the strength to keep on going after all of that happened. And all of that happened because of a few milliliters of fuel being sucked up your nose. I don't think we realize just how mortal we are.


Ignis est decorus.
Ignis est validus.
Ignis est silentium.

Member #124472
Reged: Dec 2010
Post22nd Dec 2010 9:16 PM 

hey, dumb question sorry

so ok, how or where did you learn to breath fire, iv been wanting to learn for years, how do you start, and where do you go? its been hard to find someone to teach you, and a place to learn, its not like theres collage classes for this unusual talent.. help me?? blush

Member #129430
Reged: Apr 2011
Post3rd Apr 2011 4:57 PM 

I've been playing with fire for 2 years now, Fire Breathing is my thing, I can blow a flame 18 ft high(measured from the ground up). Lately I've been considering on giving up Fire Breathing. I've been asked is it worth the risk and slowly the answer creeps into my head: NO, it's not worth it.
I am sorry for what happened to Pele, something similar happened to me also when in a show, after a fire breath, I inhaled powerfully through the mouth and inhaled fuel. I had to finish my show but I could hardly breathe. Thankfully I didn't have the complications Pele experienced but I was damn close. That was my worst experience with Fire Breathing, the ones where my beard catches on fire don't even come close to this one.
I thought I should share this for all daredevils to see, maybe they will think twice before getting so excited about Fire Breathing.
Best of luck also to the ones that still do it, may the wind always favor you and may you never have to go through what Pele went through.

Member #131423
Reged: May 2011
Post10th May 2011 3:16 PM 

Hi Pele,

Just watched your interview here fir the first time. I admire your strength and willpower to go through all of what you described, not just the recovery from your accident but everything else too.

You are amazing!

*gigantic hug*

Member #124417
Reged: Dec 2010
Post2nd Jan 2012 3:47 PM 

 Written by :salkaar

can i just ask why, on a windy day, would you trust Fire Breathing (supposedly 'the most dangerous of all the arts') less than you would trust your poi? i imagine your less likely to breath in your Poi.
and also surely body fire is more dangerous?
and im not trying to be obnoxious or anything above sorry guys

I agree.I was asking the same question. I would never breathe fire on a windy day. doesn't matter how much your paying me. Sorry also. Not trying to be rude. Honestly i am sorry for what happened to pele.

Comments/replies: 9


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