Single Glue 50ml

Single Glue 50ml

Single Glue 50ml

 (8 レビュー)
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ToolsShop for Parts
This glue can help assist holding KevlarR together and gets commonly used in the manufacturing of wicks such as monkey fists and rolled style poi heads.
Open Tabあなたのメリット
  • Long lasting
  • Non toxic
  • Protective for wick

Open Tab説明

Used and recommended by Home of Poi.
This glue also helps repair wicks when there is minor damage or fraying and prevents further damage once set.
It can take up to 24hrs to set, but once complete, its hard, nontoxic and does not come off when wicks are on fire.
HOP uses this glue on a large number of wicks and associated fire products due to its long-lasting nontoxic and protective qualities.

Open Tab仕様
  • 1.7 oz|50 ml
  • Squeeze pot with nozzle

Open Tab保証

Team Home of Poi

Open Tab


 4.6 out of 5 stars
(based on 8 reviews)

24th July, 2020
Glue works good on wicks
"Glue makes all my fire wicks longer lasting. Comes in handy."
Winkler, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Apr 2019

4th January, 2018
Glue for making Fire Props
"This makes it very convenient for making a lot of different types of fire props. I have yet to test how they hold out against fire, but they seem to work great."
Tanveer, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Mar 2014

11th January, 2017
"Je ne m'attendais pas a une si bonne prise de cette colle qui sent la colle de maternelle. En revanche il faut mettre un peu la dose car apres avoir enflammer les meches plusieurs fois, elle a tendance a reduire"
Guefveneu, France.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Nov 2016

16th September, 2014
Convinient bottle
"Though you can buy similar glue in DIY shops HOP glue is much more convinient due to it's packaging. Very handy!"
Leonenkova, Cyprus.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2010

20th April, 2013
Keeps poi heads together.
"Has been keeping my poi and staff heads together for a very long time."
Hobbes, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
DIAMOND Member since Jan 2011
