336 posts
Location: NY, USA

So the Martian and I were just twirling and she finally figured out the 5-beat weave, she ran over to the comp where I was typing and damn near tackled me, screaming something to the effect of "I CAN DO IT!!! I CAN DO IT!!!!- YOU GOTTA POST IT NOW!!!!"So here I am posting it...Hehehe, go lauire grin------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Cool beans you two..Damn i need to get my woman spinning..im So jealous of you two.Super'

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

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