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102 posts
Location: Austria

i am trying to get the over under out thingy working and have come up with a slight problem....
i KNOW i am doing something wrong ...but how the HECK do u ladies avoid hitting the frontal elevated area on the under swing???

Out to Wrong Rights and Depress the Opressed.

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

eek, i'm logged in on teh schools computers????

anyhow. i presume you are talking about teh weave.... honestly speaking, my poi are nowhere near there. they are way over on the side. now, if your talking about your hand (well, your arm) i can see how that would happen. i'm too small to have suxh worries... *sniff*

i would try moving the pattern a little more to teh front of you, instead of having it right by your side. dunno if that helps at all, or if i even said what i wanted to...

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

102 posts
Location: Austria

yep the weave is what i meant...doing the practise thingy with your arm straight out and one poi works fine but as soon as i try swinging around the other poi i get into trouble:)
practise i know;)
still i either hit my armpit or my chest...kinda odd as i hit none of the above if i try with one poi....shrug one will learn i guess

Out to Wrong Rights and Depress the Opressed.

Fairy Ladymember
63 posts
Location: fairieland

i was working with someone this weekend with the same problem and all we could figure was that she wasn't getting the poi across her body enough. I had her over exagerate the moves so the poi were way far from her sides and that seemed to help get the rhythm so she was able to eventually pull it in closer. the best way i can explain it is to take your arms farther across your body when your poi cross to the opposite side. I hope this helps. and good luck

428 posts
Location: Mystic, Ct. USA

almost all problems can be fixed with my favorite saying:

less arm, more wrist

you should be able to figure8/crossover/weave/whatever almost without moving your arms much at all and then you can do it pretty much anywhere in relation to yourself.
just takes practice and getting flexible wrists.


102 posts
Location: Austria

*abases herself*
yes mistress
*bangs head against floor*
off course mistress
so easy
just move my wrists

Out to Wrong Rights and Depress the Opressed.

428 posts
Location: Mystic, Ct. USA

hey im not the one who does poi with handcuffs on

*search on "fluff cuff poi"*


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