HeadSwimGOLD Member
...curiously lost
580 posts
Location: at my PC....obviously!, United Kingdom

Hi guys,

I have been learning poi on my own from the Poi Spinning book written by Michal Kahn and i'm most of the way through. However early on in the book it says that all poi moves can be done in both directions i.e. foward and reverse or inwards and outwards, but i'm having problems with some moves in the opposite direction to which the book demonstrates. Early in the book it shows how to do trick in each direction but as you progress she only shows the trick in one direction. The trick i'm really stuck on is an outwards butterfly stop. The book shows the inwards stop and i have that no problems but i cannot work it out in outwards!! What i want to know is if the trick can be done in outwards and if so how the hell u do it!
thanks for your help, Martin.

Nothing is easy.......until you can do it! biggrin

telicI don't want a title.
940 posts

I've never read the book, but presumable you just mean stalling both poi from a butterfly, yes? You start with a forward butterfly and then just stall both poi horizontally, your right poi to your right and your left poi to your left. The opposite being start from a reverse butterfly and stall each poi horizontally, right on left side and left on right side.

E pluribus unum, baby.

AustinBRONZE Member
54 posts
Location: South East London, United Kingdom

Hi I was in one of Michal's classes just before the book came out. We did also go over this topic, it can be done but your arms end up in a really wierd way that didn't really seem worth doing.

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

It can be done in both ways - it might help if you try it with just 1 hand at a time until you get the movement sorted.

It is kind of a weird movement, but it's still got the same principle as the other direction - follow the poi up with your hand and place it down where you want it to stop.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

cross your arms!!!!

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

HeadSwimGOLD Member
...curiously lost
580 posts
Location: at my PC....obviously!, United Kingdom

cheers guys....it helped a lot...i did manage a couple earlier but decided they look crap and aint worth doin!!! Somehow the inwards ones are graceful but the outwards just look kinda messy. Thanks anyway

Nothing is easy.......until you can do it! biggrin

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