flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

I know there's another thread on this, but it is two pages long and takes a lot of reading before finding out the confirmed date...

So here it is!

Sunday 19th Jan @ 5pm, Camperdown Memorial Park in Newtown.

Celebrating Sydney's (first?) multi-crew meetup as well as the birthdays of fair Frenzie and Rozi. Please bring stuff to chuck on the barbie, as well as plenty of your own fuel for the burn once dusk settles in.
Official Event Listing

So, who has a BBQ they can bring to the park, and what sort of cake would you girls like?

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AlteraSILVER Member
38 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

i like the sound of it but friday might be hard..... i have another weird habit of going fencing on fridays but who no maybe i should just stuff it this week

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Oh i'll miss that @#$% !. Hang on no i wont talk about it later .

[ 09. February 2003, 13:46: Message edited by: Ivan Newton(grubiln) ]

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

150 posts
Location: Sydney Australia

crossing fingers that i will make it to bondi tonight!

still haven't twirled with anyone other than my friends!

watched & learnt last time, loved every minute!

People take different roads seeking fulfillment & happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.-H. Jackson Browne


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