tadpoleGOLD Member
200 posts
Location: Harare, Zimbabwe, United Kingdom

Bit of a long shot, but if there is anyone in Zimbabwe who spins, give me a shout...


Don't worry, be happy...

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Hunny I'd be there like a shot!

Missing the home land and it's warmth..

May be over come september time tho - but your miles from Harare aren't you?

Good to see you agin hun - hope you settlin in ok..

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

1 post
Location: London

Hey fellow zimbos, I'm a zimbo too. I've been in London for 2 years now. Am also missing the weather and all that stuff back home

Keep in touch

Mad Zimbo

tadpoleGOLD Member
200 posts
Location: Harare, Zimbabwe, United Kingdom

Two people on the whole planet and they're both 5000 miles away. How grim.

MisStix - I tend to bounce around the country, but end up in Harare every two weeks or so, so holler if you drop down this way...

Don't worry, be happy...

Stacey FrostBRONZE Member
1 post

Hello Zimbos

I'm a newbie to poi and am residing in Harare, it would be great to form a poi scene.

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