Posted: I am living in Brisbane Queensland Australia and I am having trouble finding a supplier for my kevlar wicks. Can anyone help?
.draevonBRONZE Member member 92 posts Location: Androgen, Australia
Posted: Mr Rotman,We sell 100% kevlar wicking in strips (1000mm x 50mm x 4mm) for $20 which includes postage to anywhere in Australia.Bec and Elke also sell kevlar (i think a kevlar cotton blend). I'm not sure of their prices, but i think they are cheaper then ours. You can contat them at if you were looking to buy bulk kevlar (ie 10 strips or more) you could contact our supplier:Merlyn Products16 Lapis St Underwood QLD 4119 AustraliaPh: (07) 3808 2224Despite their magical name, they are actually i sulation manufacturers and wholesalers, so you'll have to describe what you need, although we've sent enough people through them that if you mention that you'r a fire performer, they should know what you're talking aboutÐraevon.
.draevonBRONZE Member member 92 posts Location: Androgen, Australia
Posted: Bec and Elkes email address is ... not, which makes me feel dirty.Ðraevon.
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