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160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

so i tried boric acid and methyl hydrate for a fuel and recieved paranormal green color which was absolutly gorgeous! got really excited and bought strontium nitrate which is supposed to give a red color, and it worked on a candle, but when i poured it into my methyl hydrate it just sank to the bottom; didn't disolve. what should i use as a base fuel next time? once i save up enough cash for more strontium?any other special effects i should be aware of?

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Sorry, I haven't had time to post recently... Firstly, Lithium chloride kicks Strontium nitrates butt interms of nice red colors.Second, don't throw that strontium out! If it sank to the bottom, just strain it (coffee filter?) and dry it out!I'm unsure on it's solubility in MeOH it's pretty soluble in water so I think it'd be OK. Hrmm... Frankly, I'd just play around and see what it dissolves in... If it is insoluable in MeOH MAYBE you can then dissolve it into your wick using something else (even water) and light with the MeOH later...

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160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

will you mail some lithium chloride? shockedas it's fairly hard to get in canada. it's a controlled substance. something about eating it to become happy or something. "i'm gunna burn it i promise" just doesn't convince the pharmasist. the strontium was expensive but i'll keep it around for a while...a friend firebreathed some magnificent blue/green fireballs off of a purple torch yesterday. i like that indium stuff.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Bad idea. I like my job. smile

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Yes, let's go.
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160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

any ideas about getting large amounts of lithium. is there a website or something?someone told me that steel wool on wick makes sparklies, but it just made me spit burning fuel every where.

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