Posted: hi iam considering getting a new staff, i currently own a 5 foot aluminum staff with 2 wood inserts at either end, and single wick on each end, it is 3.4" thick. I got a quote from firetoys and they said if i bought an inch think staff the would be surprised if it would ever bend. has any1 else bought from there, or just some tips on buying would be good. i was gonna get one with double wick on each end, can i use this for breathing??? i have had no problems breathing with my current staff but it only has 1 wick on each end.
[ 10 October 2002, 04:27: Message edited by: JSmilk ]
CantusSILVER Member Tantamount to fatuity 15,967 posts Location: Down the road, United Kingdom
Posted: Have you considered the HoP Shop?
It has a range of good quality staffs and you can email Malcolm for advice etc.
Malcolm -
flidBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,136 posts Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Posted: I find my week old Pure Flame staff rattles quite a lot. It's definately screwed up properly and I can't pull it appart, but if you hold the end and middle, you can rock it a few degrees in each direction. I'm sure it's secure and it's not going to fly appart in mid air, but it's a bit unnerving when it rattles. I don't know if this happens with all detachable staffs (this is my first staff) or not.
[Nx?]BRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,750 posts Location: Europe,Scotland,Both
Posted: yo,
inch thick wont bend so easy, and I prefer it, once you get used to fingerspins with the big pole.
someone one put a link somewhere to an american company who sold hardwood staffs with meatal flashing for the wicks, they looked pretty groovey.
At the end of the day, if you can obtain wick and have the minium of workshop facilities you should make one, its just a stick after all.
This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate -><- Kallisti
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: cool cheers
adamricepoo-bah 1,015 posts Location: Austin TX USA
Posted: I may be the "American company" Nix was referring to--I make hardwood staffs with copper fireproofing at the ends.
While I'd be happy to have JSmilk's business, international shipping on any but very short (or take-apart) staffs is very expensive.
Laugh while you can, monkey-boy
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: i have now orders an inch think staff with double wick from firetoys. it does nt have a wood centre but they assure i wont be able to bend or break it so time will tell!!!! thanks guys
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