Forums > Technical Discussion > Hey Malcolm , Bigger Beamers ????????

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I may be silly for even suggesting this idea but has there ever been consideration of making bigger beaming poi?

They're what 2-1/2" round now but what about maybe making some 4" or 5" round beamers?

Then you could maybe put more photons in'em or maybe make'em with different colors.

Or has this cuckoo flew the coup?

Seven - The CatDIAMOND Member
2,055 posts
Location: New Zealand

What an evil thought

Next I suppose you will want spikes on them dipped with poison

Would need a whole new design to add extra colours. Good ideas though.

Will let Malcolm know.


Resistance is futile
I have retractable claws

43 posts

I LIKE YOUR THINKING poiaholic anonymous, almsot as good as me and jaedens Giant tennis balls from hell idea that left me with one useable eye.

but yes, if i could get some giant beamers, i would buy them in a second strap a car battery inside them and go for broke

(giant tennis balls made for dog toys, hard as a rock, and just as heavy. about 9-10 inch diameter, strap a coule caribeeners through them and slap some chains through the caribeeners let the bruiseing commence!)

Dicipline Focus Damage

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

I really like the idea of a protective houseing for photons. Since photons are already encased in their own houseing you wouldn't need a hard ball of plastic death like beamers. Instead you could have something padded and friendly. Im guessing it would be expensive to sell these included with multiple photon lights and not many people would buy them. But a lot of ravers probably already have enough photon lights and they are probably tired of spinning them and smashing them every week so there might be a market for this.

531 posts

Originally posted by Seven:

What an evil thought

Next I suppose you will want spikes on them dipped with poison

Only if the spikes light up too.
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Astar, I think the hard plastic housing isn't to protect the LED's but to protect the wiring to them all.

Where's Malcolm ?????

531 posts

* bump *

Hey everyone, evil beamer idea here.Doesn't anyone else wanna try to coax Malcolm into it.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Have you never hit yourself with them?
Hours of pain, dizziness, nausea and big-fat bruises too.
Why in the world would anyone want bigger ones?

Plus, they'd be quite a bit heavier too --> More pain!

Blimmin' masochists

I do like the idea of different colour ones though

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

531 posts

Originally posted by Durbs:

Why in the world would anyone want bigger ones?
Cause I'm a glutton for punishment.

Oh and I have definitely hit myself with my beamers before.They just don't do it for me anymore.I need more pain.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

If you want more pain, try sticking some thin strips of rough grade sandpaper to the beamers.

That way you can get concussed, and lose lots of skin all at the same time.

(I was thinking originally of fishing hooks, but then I thought poiholic might actually try that idea... )

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337 posts
Location: London UK

Why not just use bowling balls as poi?

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

531 posts

Originally posted by Malcolm:

I seem to remember someone attaching 3 x beaming poi to the ends of each of their cords. Would that be the effect you are looking for?
Or are you just ?

I am for beaming poi!

I have contemplated ways to put more than one beaming poi on each chain before and one day I will have a multiple beaming poi set up.

Clustering them all on the end of one chain though probably wouldn't be very aerodynamic so I just couldn't imagine that working really well.

The sandpaper would probably cause me a great deal of pain if it were attached to a 6" beaming poi ball but I really don't hit myself frequently enough with the standard size balls for it to be worthwhile.Actually I have had my beamers for half a year now and have only hit myself 3 times with them.

The fishing hooks would just mean free piercings and for those of you who don't know me I am also for piercings.I already have a hook in my chin.

Bowling balls would be a great workout but they don't have any lights in them.Where's the fun in that?

All joking aside I thought it may be a worthy idea just because you could put more lights in them and quite possibly make them with different color LED's.

On that note has there ever been consideration of making the casing in more than two colors. Another thing I love about my beamers is that they look good during the day too.It couldn't possibly be that difficult to make the ball itself in like blue or white or green.

Sorry guys,I guess I should change my name to beameraholic.

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

3x Beamers on the end of each chain... I think I've seen that somewhere before...

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What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

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531 posts

Being that this is a wildly unpopular idea I will of course assume that mass production won't be starting any time soon.

However, is there anyway I could get something like this custom-made.I've looked in the past but I don't think the beaming poi manufacturer is provided in the shop.

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