9 posts
Location: NJ, USA

Made my first set on real deal poi, with chains and handles (I had been using socks on shoelaces for months). Thought I would share some ideas that worked well.
1. For the handles I bought nylon straps that you to hold together wood or tie stuff to a car and attached them to quick links with rivets. One rivet right through the nylon is super solid and looks good.
2. I made practice ends using tennis balls, BBs, and a long eye bolt. I drilled a hole straight through the balls and put the eye bolt into one side. Filled the balls with bunch of BBs and then ran the bolt the rest of the way through and put a locking nut on the other side. This way I can hook them on and off of the set easily.
Wow, lost a lot of my grace with heavier poi but its slowly coming back. I'll be lighting up soon!

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

BB's as in ballbearings? man they are gonna hurt!

simple way instead of using an eyebolt through a tenis ball and less weight for starters is to mak
ur two insisions in the tennis ball pull the chain or string through the holes and put a split ring on the end of the chain/string, you can then push the chain/string and split ring back inside of the ball so you get a nice looking bit of poi that isnt so heavey and wont hurt the beginers out there, you could allways add some sort of fluffy pink? or other such cover over the ball to atchieve your desired effect. i prefere fluffy and pink myself.

9 posts
Location: NJ, USA

I put BBs in them so I could ADD more weight. I have tried out some real wicks and they are pretty heavy so I figured I would have practice poi that were heavy as well. I didn't fill the balls, just added some weight to them.

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

I like heavy poi

My favourite pair are made from tennis balls filled with metal nuts

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

sunbeamSILVER Member
old hand
1,032 posts
Location: Madrid, United Kingdom


I always liked light poi and my 'chains' are actually wire but I've been playing with someone's chain chains and they're great. You can shorten them to whatever length you want and wraps are so easy with them. It's brought a whole new dimension to poi-ing. I'm going to buy or make my own fire ones with chain now.

"I don't take drugs. I am drugs" - Salvador Dali


254 posts
Location: Australia

i find that the more weight you have the better/easier...of course this is coming from an ameature

it just seems to flow more...more tension on the cable/wire/chain

If life was a ball of fire...i would be the poi sustaining it

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

when you get to the stage of progression where you realise poi isnt just about making pretty little circles any more theres a load more stuff out there, it dont matter how light or heavey the poi are, you probably have a few sets in your time for spinning in different styles.

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

Very true - along with my really heavy pair, I also have a pair of incredably light electroglo poi.

I usually prefer spinning really slowly, but there are times when you just need something light to break out the hyperspeed spinning

As of yesterday, I also have a giant pair of poi - using giant tennis balls with a circumference of a whopping 40cm!
Surprisingly, they don't actually get in the way of each other that often.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

167 posts
Location: Bergen , Norway

Originally posted by RETTWINS:
I have tried out some real wicks and they are pretty heavy so I figured I would have practice poi that were heavy as well
What fire-poi's are they?....mine are light as feathers....atleast twice as light as my tennisball ones......
And I like them light because you only speed up to a certain level and dont spinn any faster than that (within a natural flow) heavy pois just make me speed up and that doesnt look half as smooth
Also think that light pois is better for isolations and hyperloops.....

I like Fire.. :)

Fire Mamamember
53 posts
Location: West coast gal,Canada

Just made my own as well...and I've just made the base (steel rod) part od my fire chains as well. I made mine with tennis ball filled with beans. I took a large wood nail and punctured holes on either side of the tennis ball, then used the large nail to thread some polyester type string through the ball and tied it off on the bottom end with a loop. I then took blue electical tape and taped over the knot(purely cosmetic...and it looks great), attached ribbons thru the loop and made finger loops out of the same string at the top end. I sewed the fingerloops securely...cut the string and agian finished it all off with the blue electrical tape (the string is blue as well...I like blue) and voila. I've given a bunch of sets like these to begginers because they have absolutely no hard or sharp bits involved for taking knocks.

Thru meditation I program my heart to beat break beats and hum bass lines on exhilation....

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

blue is ok, much prefer pink/red... i have fluffy pink poi!

allways a good idea to give beginers non wounding sets, though even the soft ones can hurt in the wrong place, any man will know this!.

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