11 posts
Location: Norwich

Hi. I've decided to move onto fire at last, but I don't have any fire poi. My brother(Garbo) told me to, cut off the wichs off his crappy hand made fire staff, hammer the none wick side down, put a hole through and attach chains. Does anyone agree? Rob cool

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

That's one way to do it. I've documented a few recipes at: don't know what you are using for wicks right now, but it is easy to make temporary wicks using old towel and some baling wire. Good for a few burns.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

52 posts
Location: Boston, MA, USA

the instructions at
pretty good.

404 posts
Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands

or you could buy them..

so you think Im not a newbie? Ok I'll be the King of the newbies. Nucleon the king of all noobs

bing!BRONZE Member
i beat my inner child
184 posts
Location: manchester UK

yeh buy them, then u know they wont fall apart while spinning and on fire and cause possible injury

--the spark what lit the flame which started the fire that burned forever--

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