CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!! 4,224 posts Location: Back in Paris... for now !
Posted: I know we've had a few discussions about poi and martial arts and I don't mean to start another one.But yesterday i went spinning long the Seine River and meta guy who does capoiera. he said : can we try to do something together : you move with your poi and I do capoiera.Unfortunately I had to leave early, but I found this experience really good !!!have you got similar experiences with combinations with other artists.I was also thinking how much I'd gain if I could get advice from real professional choreographers, know what I mean ?Shine onCassandra
"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..." "So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..." "NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"
Posted: any one know of any capoiera websites that I could check out please?Ithaca------------------check my pics etc at intend to live forever, or at least die trying." Voltaire
------------------ errrm I intend to live forever, or at least die trying. Voltaire
foobaaspinning for ages 125 posts Location: Christchurch
Posted: Now Capoiera is the one martial art that I have been meaning to learn, but it is a bit harder find than your common garden type martial art....
fe fi foo fun
SupermanBRONZE Member member 829 posts Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Posted: a good link site..Planet Capoeira is the name of the site incase the link doesnt work.------------------"When a Man Lies He Murders Some Part of the World These Are the PaleDeaths Which Men Miscall Their Lives All this I Cannot Bear to Witness Any Longer Cannot the Kingdom of Salvation Take Me Home"
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.
Posted: Learn lissajous-do, it is not a very well known martial art , but is a bad ass.You might see a lil more of it on this web site. It uses the Pro-chuck, a weopon invented just for this can see this weopon in the weopons section of this site. the system allows you to pic up any weopon , or even poi, and make the most beautiful patterns around your body. look it up on this site .
BongoCIHmember 16 posts Location: Newcastle, Australia
Posted: Capoiera is originally from Brazil, it was designed as a "dance" because the state outlawed martial arts, so it became the unofficial martial art in Brazil. You should see some of the moves they can pull, triple somersaults in the air, it's fully amazing. The guys we saw weren't even pro they were just guys off the street!So yeah, it's a very pretty martial art, it'll also build up your body whilst doing it. Very energetic.
Rick aka LokiBRONZE Member member 134 posts Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Hey, somebody else mentioning capoiera on the site! wicked.I trained in capoeira for a year and a half before I got into poi. It definitely helps with basic body movement, fluidity, and strength. I've been trying to adapt capoeira moves to poi and a few look pretty good, others sloppy. The balance is different. I'd definitely recommend combining martial arts with spinning for anyone who wants a high-energy show. Try arm-wrapping until the chains are short, perform the kicking moves or whatever, then unwrap. If a routine is done aggressively all the way through, this could blend in nicely and add variety to the attacking nature of it.Some moves that combine well with poi (these names are in Brazilian Portuguese, by the way. That's how one learns them) (ask a mestre or consult the internet for full descriptions of the moves):ginga: if you've seen capoeira, you've seen the players dance, mirroring each other, making a sort of x with the paths of their feet on the ground. This is the basic "stance" of capoeira (it's in motion). Doing this while spinning weave works nicely.rasteira and other sweeping kicks: do corkscrew while sweeping the leg low and spinning the body. I usually do sweeps in the direction of the pois' spin, but it can be done either sem mao: a no-handed cartwheel. I've written about this in the "moves" section. I'm now trying it with chasing the sun instead of windmill- I find the timing and momentum work better. I still think I look gimpy doing this. Ah, well. practice, practice...ponteira: a straight kick, swinging the leg up then down in front of the body. Try crossover, then ponteira as the poi uncross, then into another move. This looks lame unless done in sequence with something else.parafuso (but the name depends on exactly how you perform the move):a flying spinning kick (best done with two feet, but tricky with poi, too) spin once then perform a jumping kick, either with both legs, or the following leg. To combine with poi, shorten the chains a bit, weave, reverse weave as you spin, back into forward weave as you come out of the spin into the jumping kick. [edited stuff: the reverse weave and back into forward weave while spinning before the kick are NOT full cycles of either move. I basically sweep both arms down as I spin, then up as I come out of the spin and into the air. The arms move like a giant wave (not mexican or anything, just wave-like.] I've only been able to make this look anything but gimpy if I shorten the chains quite a bit. It's a balance, strength, and timing thing. armada: a backward-spinning roundhouse kick. Again, short chains seems to be the only thing that works. Weave (I think), on the opposite side to the direction in which you'll be spinning, as you cross back over, reverse the weave and spin your body, bringing the arms around to the front again on the opposite side (never spending much time in the reverse weave movement), followed by your leg. backflips, etc.: I'm sure these would combine really well with poi... if I didn't suck at them. From people I've talked with about backflips, getting the arms up first for momentum is key, so if the timing were right, getting the poi up could do an even better job."corkscrew": I can't do this move, even without poi. It's a move where the body spins in the horizontal plane, once or twice, then the person kicks, then lands on the kicking foot. If you can do this crazy shiznit, combining it with poi should be easy. Leg flexibility really helps with all these moves. Mine has gone to pot since I stopped training in Capoeira. Ah, well.Good luck and stuff. Anyone can email me if they want to know more about Capoeira or poi/capo moves or if they want to raz me for posting such weirdo suggestions or take me out to dinner (I'm hungry).Peace.-Rick[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 13 October 2001).][This message has been edited by Rick (edited 23 October 2001).]
-Rick aka Loki oh, man, a signature?... uuh... this is like coming across wet cement... uuh, shoot, I had something clever I was saving... I hope I don't run out of sp
Rick aka LokiBRONZE Member member 134 posts Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Hey, I may not post often, but at least I post long-ass messages when I do.
-Rick aka Loki oh, man, a signature?... uuh... this is like coming across wet cement... uuh, shoot, I had something clever I was saving... I hope I don't run out of sp
CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!! 4,224 posts Location: Back in Paris... for now !
Posted: Rick ! thanks, I'll make sure to print this out and discuss it with some capoieira people.shine onCassandra
"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..." "So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..." "NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"
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