Forums > Social Chat > homemade poi...wind roarer?

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Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

Anyone ever tried to spin with two wind roarers? Just curious...just thought of the idea myself.For thos of you who don't know what wind roarers are, they are the pieces of wood that you spin around on a string, and it makes this WOOOWOOOWOOO noise. (remember silence of the lambs??) Funnily..Wind Roarers have their place in Maori culture as well.CRD


47 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

You mean a bull roarer, Australian Aboriginal type, used primarily for cermonial purposes by the male members of the tribe? Don't they have a funny orbit or could you attach them to the ends of your poi?What are we going on about?The bull roarer was often used by the central tribes to warn women and children away from totemic ceremonies, particularly during initiation. The sound was regarded as the voice of the spirit come to take the boys away. In some cases bull roarers were associated with various totemic objects known as churinga which women or uninitiated men were forbidden to see. Penalties were severe; blinding by fire-stick or even death. Source:

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

done it and it works a treat! is very cool because by changing the moves they wooo or weeeer at different times, virtually becomes another creative musical instrument. do try it! smile

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

1 post
Location: charlotte, NC, US of A

what about those little whistles on the "NERF" footballs and such? could those somehow be attached to a ball or something?

be what you are, and dont be what you aint. Cause if you are what you aint, than you aint what you are.

219 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

How good an idea is that.....Nerf balls may become extremely annoying though.Now the bull roared that would be cool, i just didn't think you could get enough speed to keep em going for any consistent amount of time (whilst doing cool tricks that is).Cheers APB

Good on usGood on us all

5 posts

I hav a nerf throw ball and i cut out the inside of it and it makes a really cool noise when i swing it.You guys shood try it wink

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