Forums > Social Chat > Number of Poi Vs. Staff?

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125 posts
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada

This Sponge is a staff artist, though I play around with poi if one of my friends happens to have one with him/her.Im just wondering what the ratio is of Staff and Poi.. and how many people do both regularly?Just wondered that when I saw how much more posts their are for poi than for Staff moves.------------------May the fire of God burn its impression on your heart.

May the fire of God burn its impression on your heart.

sunbeamSILVER Member
old hand
1,032 posts
Location: Madrid, United Kingdom

I love poi but am really enjoying learning a few basic staff moves at the moment. A lot of people I have spoken to see poi as more feminine and staff as more masculine but I think that's why they are both so fascinating. Am doing both regularly, at least once a week, at a workshop but I don't have my own staff... yet. frown Just have to find a broom handle... smileSunbeam ------------------Life in the circus ain't easy but the folks on the outside don't know yeah well the tent goes up and the tent goes down and all that they see is the show and the ladies on the horses look so pretty and the lions are looking real mad and some of the clowns are happy and some of the clowns are sad. Welcome to the freakshow.. here we go (Freakshow by Ani di Franco)[This message has been edited by sunbeam (edited 29 November 2001).]

"I don't take drugs. I am drugs" - Salvador Dali


Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

I must say..every time I see a woman twirl, I just about always think it is very sexy. However I twirl poi. Eventually I prolly will learn least enough to twirl it around a bit without dropping it. :P------------------ [PLUR]-=Crazy Raver Dude=-


PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I do a bit of both, among other things, and really if it came down to my picking a fire preference...blowing all the way (now, now boys....get your mind away from that wink)------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I started with staff....then I did a lot of poi, then I went to doing staff and poi equally (and sometimes at the same time smile) and since I took up doubles, poi has taken a bit of a back seat. Although, I've just made some extra long trick poi (80cm of chain + wicks + handles + spinners), and am having lots of fun exploring all sorts of wraps that werent possible on my normal poi (although Katinca says its not very graceful). smileJosh[This message has been edited by [Josh] (edited 29 November 2001).]

AmberGOLD Member
48 posts
Location: Cairns, Australia

i started with poi and now use staff as well.there does seem to be alot of poiers on this board, yet here in australia you mainly see staff. i defininitly think poi is prettier to watch but i love to use both.

foobaaspinning for ages
125 posts
Location: Christchurch

Me do both...lets see..started juggling balls, riding a unicycle, then fire clubs, then a 6ft unicycle, then normal clubs, then staff, then poi, then double staff...hmmm where to now??------------------fe fi foo fun

fe fi foo fun

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I, currently, do solely staff (single and double). I never got into poi. It just didn't occur to me to do it at first. Then when I did try I found that it didn't behave like staffs and I didn't like that so I put them (the poi) away. . . . . actually I buried them. But that's a different story.I disagree with the people that Sunbeam has spoken to about masculinity and femininity. The most gracefully exponant of fire chains I have ever seen was male (and extremely male too in all other aspects)Staff is in the minority her at the moment. But, that said, I suspect it's about to explode any minute from what i have experienced lately.I think staff can be very pretty to watch - if done right - but then I'm biased------------------C@ntusIn the past, the fools would pay, to see the freaks of the day. The contradictions of the norm. The bizarre, the wonderful and deformed.No need for the tents and the cages now. The wool is over our eyes. In front the TV circus - a freakshow in disguise.


CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Foobaa, A pretty simlar history with me, although I started unicycling after staff and still have yet to get into poi.You asked where to now? I'm currently learning to do double staff (1.4metres) on the unicyle. Talk about a challenge!I've also been told it looks ugly and a lot more ungraceful than josh's long superchains... wink So i guess I better practice more....... grin grin grin grin ------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

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pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

i started with poi and then took up staff.there is not much femininity in the way i spin poi. but i do notice that more females (at least around here) do poi than males.

anyone got a light?

74 posts
Location: Asheville, NC

so far staff and none other. i have yet to make a decent "permanent" firestaff, but have several metal practice (diff weights/lengths) and a wooden temp-wicked. that's all about to change as soon as i can get some kevlar wicking....i've always wondered about poi...never really gotten around to seriously trying it though.------------------"life begins between the night and the light."[This message has been edited by Teine (edited 29 November 2001).]

life begins between the night and the light.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

That's funny Pozee, I think of you as very feminine. Must be the haircut. grin wink tongue


pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

HEY! just because i shave my balls doesnt make me fem...i think i said too much this time. i am going to go now...

anyone got a light?

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

hehe Poz, I think youve been haning out with Myst too long winkJosh

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

At the moment I am only poi. But I do have a staff that I am working on - just gotta get around to ordering some kevlar and put it all together. Sometimes I muck around with the Al tubing that will be my staff - but not often.------------------Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bullshit before

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

I started with Poi grin about 5 or 6 weeks ago and I cant put the damn things down smileI have however also purchased a 3 piece staff from the HoP shop so I hope to be able to put the chains down occasionally and play with me new toy.. o O (busy with designs at the moment too though more to follow on this when I have finished)------------------Mark P (the mad chemist)

13 posts
Location: Sydney

At the moment I only use poi but tomorrow Im heading down to the hardware store to buy staff parts (I guess that would be a pole).

Play with fire and you might get Burnt.

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Started with norm devil sticks, after 6 months I got a fire staff and wick for the devil sticks, 6 more months and i got into poi (with fire straight off), and then further along the track somewhere I started to muck round with double sticks and juggling, also did breathing for a while with the fire water but gave up on that for health reasons.

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

167 posts
Location: leicester, england

started with poi, but have just brought my own staff after ages of twirling the mop handle out the kitchen... ...hasnt arrived in the post yet though... any ideas home of poi shopkeeper?...

you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

24 posts
Location: Melbourne, Vic, Australia

single staff then double staff.I just burnt myself. Worst yet measuring in at a whole 10cm x 1cm including blisters! Note to self: learn move to perfection before trying to impress friends with crossed staff behind head fancy business.

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

I do mainly poi but am trying (and failing) to learn staff. I also fire eat, body burn and stiltwalk, sometimes all at the same time!Onelove, Thistlefirepixie smile

Are we nearly there yet?

34 posts
Location: Oregon City, OR, USA

I have only started poi in March so I still have lots to learn. I want to learn staff also and then move on to double staff. My problem is that I don't make enough time to practice poi. So starting a new toy is hard.

SupaflyBRONZE Member
173 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Started with poi about a year and a half ago and just recently started learned staff. I must say that double staves are a real pain in the ass but are fun to play with. It's a rare treat to come across a female doing poi here in the southeast US though. Maybe I'm hanging out at the wrong places???------------------"We do not inherit this Earth from our ancestors, but merely borrow it from our children"

Fear the evil monkey!

160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

i started juggling fire when i was abou 11 years old and riding unicycle also did some baton twirling as a kid. i have memories of going to hawaii and taking poi lessons at about 13 been doing fire staff for a couple and chains for bout a month. just figuring out this body burnning thing... ouch! i burn myself again!

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Well Thistle, if you're at Headcharge and you can find a stick of some sort....


CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Number of poi versus staff???Well, I have one set of poi (barely used) and 7 staffs.So, a ratio of 1:7That sounds about right for a healthy relationship to me... hee hee. grin grin grin grin ------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

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foobaaspinning for ages
125 posts
Location: Christchurch

Umm I have about 6 pair of poi (including the frog poi...7) and 2 staffs...but I keep building more of the damn things!!!------------------fe fi foo fun

fe fi foo fun

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

5 staffs:2 fire2 practice1 defying description


digital milkmember
37 posts
Location: Pennsylvania, USA

2 socks on string.. d0h.. n00b!! smile

336 posts
Location: NY, USA

I guess I'm going to jump on the "a little bit of both" band wagon. pardon the lack of creativity.------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

Cantus - I'm intrigued. Can you describe that 5th one for me?

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut


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