SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

So we've (most of us anyway) all heard of multiwicks, fire fingers, fire fans, cross staffs, ext., but a friend was telling me about a "cube" confusedDoes anybody know anything about it? The way he discribed it, sounded quite promising.

Jesus helps me trick people.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Sickpuppy, here is a thread from a year ago talking about this. It is a cube of pretty large dimensions (at least 3 feet if not bigger at it's lengths, though hollow) which is then wielded and spun. Truly inspiring.!------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

158 posts
Location: Oxford, U.K.

i have a vid of a cube performance and they are very cool, the one i saw was more like 5 or 6 foot squared. they are trown and spun and look really good a fire cube would be pretty amazing

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew there swords and Shot each other.

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

Thanks for the thread.Does any one know where any recent pics are? I'd like to look at the construction.

Jesus helps me trick people.

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

**bump**I'd really like to see some pics of this thing if anyone knows of any.------------------If you love something, set it on fire.

Jesus helps me trick people.

nomadBRONZE Member
356 posts
Location: Paris, France

Check out the Cirque du Soleil website. I was in Vegas recently and went to see Mystere, that's where I saw the guy with the cube. Very cool.Nomad

68 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Cirque du Soleil has recently updated their website to a new format, so some parts are still under construction, including the photos. I'm not sure if you'll find any pics of it there. If you want to see it in action, check out their production 'The Journey of Man.' It's a film they did for IMAX (the home video/DVD version does not do it justice) consisting of five acts from their various shows. One is the originator of the cube act for Mystere doing his thing, and its the best part of the movie IMHO.

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

Sweet, thanks. smile

Jesus helps me trick people.

53 posts
Location: Denver, Co.

I'm currently working with cubes, I've been working a 3x3x3 cube, yesterday I attempted a 5x5x5 and it was too big so tonight I'm trying a 4x4x4. right now my proto types are made of PVC, if I can't find a way to wick them I'll start playing with metal but it gets heavy quick and trying to make a version that breaks down for transport is a big challange. I'm getting a demo filmed tonight and I'll try to get some stills off of it to post.working them realy isn't too difficult so long as you are pretty strong, basic staff and gyroscopeing moves.[This message has been edited by crispyx (edited 19 December 2001).]

How is it ever possible to feel safe and secure in a world in which everyone dies?

Neph23BRONZE Member
62 posts
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA

Hey Crispyx!!!!!<~~ Neph from Netherworld and the PigFace show grin weeee grin Im still working one getting ahold of Eric for the conections you need smileAnyhoooo... Sick... wanna go to Vegas and check it out? Ive been dyeing to see Mystere (sp?) and "O" so i think a road trip is in order? Anyone else wanna go?I had the honer of seeing Journey of Man with the cast and crew of Dralion at IMAX. even then, i thought the cube was the most impressive part... and that was way before i got in to this fire stuff grin------------------

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

I dunno, Neph.I don't know if, after spending for Burning Man, I'll be able to afford vegas (and I'm not entirely shure I'll beable to afford Burning man at all, at this point). Unless you just want to drive down there, see the show, play 5$ in nickle slots, have some ice cream and come home. Your car gets good gas mileage, right?And who the hell is Crispyx? Do I know him?------------------If you love something, set it on fire.

Jesus helps me trick people.

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