foobaaspinning for ages
125 posts
Location: Christchurch

Well I currently have a large egg on my head from twirling my staff, a minor burn from the hot metal of the staff in the crook of my arm, some singed hair in 3 various places, a bruise on my back from the poi, a bashed little finger on my right hand, a bashed thumb on my left hand... but still I love this!!! Are we stupid or what...beating ourselves up in the name of fun!! I guess this will learn me to ignore a toy like my staff for a couple of months and then pick it up and expect to be able to still pull off all the moves that I learnt 3 months ago....and try silly new ones that follow poi moves...oh well just as well I picked it up in the last couple of days...I have to hold the stage by myself with a staff on Wed night...and although I know a lot of poi moves, well my staving is a little lacking...I just hope that I do not drop the damn thing!!Wish me luck...------------------fe fi foo fun

fe fi foo fun

43 posts
Location: manchester england

Good luck!! smile

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Yeah, we are pretty stupid, but let's see if you can top this.I gave myself the most painful injury I've ever had (just restricted to cricus arts and firedancing, including practice with no fire)...And guess what i was doing, one of the most dangerous and stupid and scary things possible - balloon animals!!!!We had the first sunny Sunday her for about 2 months, so i finally got to go out and try to make some money for my wedding next year.I sat down on a bench in front of the beach in Mission bay and did two hours on non-stop balloon scuplting...And got the worst sunburn I've ever had on my legs.It's now two days later and they are still bright pink, swollen and stinging whenever my clothes rub on them.I'd swap a few lumps in the head and even a broken nose to not go through this again...Watch out for those balloons guys, they are nasty!!!!------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

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digital milkmember
37 posts
Location: Pennsylvania, USA

heh.. i actually had it worse than you.. golf camp, 5 days.. it was 90deg. each day, no clouds, i forgot sunscreen.. i was peeling 10 layers of skin off for the next 2months (yummy!) i couldnt sleep!!!

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

That sucks,Charles.Something like that happend to me once, nothing to do with balloon animals, though.On a trip trough the desert, in the middle of summer, in the middle of the day, riding in the back of a pickup truck. Had my shirt off cuz it was hot (imagine that). I woke up the next day with blisters the size of cigarette packs on my shoulders.Freaking sucked. I couldn't lift my arms for a week and a half.------------------If you love something, set it on fire.

Jesus helps me trick people.

219 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Charles im going to let you in on a little secret.Paxel.That may not mean much to you but if you go into a chemist and can buy some......use it and you will be grateful.Trust meCheersAPB

Good on usGood on us all

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

thanks for the tip, Auspoiboy, although my pharmacist has never heard of it,is it spelt right?I plastered pure aloe vera gel on the burns twice a day on Sunday monday and tuesday, and it's almost recovered, although still pink and shiny.Last time i got burnt (not badly at all) I put the aloe on it, and it wasn't even red the next morning...------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

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219 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Reading through my post i realised that it was actually spelt wrongP A X Y Lpaxyl. Its a cream that just works absolute wonders.Ive been badly burnt a coupla times (i live next to a lake and in summer sometimes you just get the urge to take a dip) and when you put this stuff on it instantly feels just so much better.Might be found only in Aus though ???CheersAPB

Good on usGood on us all

383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

tee hee.. I too have been a lobster a couple of times in my life... rarely peeled though..cept the bad times.I went fruit picking in Bowen for a few months .. without much sunscreen and I was wearing a t shirt that exposed the small of my back when I bent over to pick (which was about 239487239487239487239487293487 times a day). Needless to say I got like the bottom half of a smiley (the mouth) burnt into my back... it was a really really dark tan (I looked like a native in about 50 square cm on my back). It's still there... over a year later . (Not as dark though)Aloe vera is all I have to say. *Fresh* Aloe Vera from a plant (none of this gel stuff), and you'll feel relief like an arctic wind on a scorched red desert. And you won't scar. Keep reapplying it every time it soaks into your skin or 6-8 times a day. (Hell you could do it all day if you had nothing else to do). IMO, nothing makes burns heal faster.

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

foobaaspinning for ages
125 posts
Location: Christchurch

Is it just me Charles or is NZ sun just super burny??Had a fantastic gig last night, I now know why I am beating myself is such a buzz to perform!!!! Oh, but I did manage to drop my staff doing a behind the back move...never mind, the rest of it was great!!! We were hyped and bouncing around for ages afterwards...the 3 floors of the packed club watching us on stage probably had something to do with that...------------------fe fi foo fun

fe fi foo fun

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