Forums > Social Chat > The i wanna complain about stuff thread

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219 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Well im back. Sorry ive been gone so long, but as i stated in the topic header, i wanna complain about stuff.So far in the last few weeks, one of my friends had a car crash, another freind was assaulted in his home and someone i know has been charged with attempted murder, i burnt myself on the forehead twirling, my cat got stuck on the roof, it rained on new years eve, santa gave me a fridge magnet barbie for christmas (actually that ones kinda cool), The movie i have waited all year for (the lord of the rings) was really good, until they totally changed one whole section, Its supposed to be summer so when i went to the beach of course it was about 5 degrees outside. I pulled the ligaments in my ankle, my grandma made me eat my vegetables AND I WANT A BERTIE BEETLE.*deep breath* apart from that summer has been fantastic winkCheersAPB

Good on usGood on us all

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

its okay APB, we gotta take the lows to better appreciate the highs.December was similar for me, in that everything that could go wrong did go wrong. it got to the point where I was spouting ye olde juvenile "life's not fair" type crap. But I searched and reflected and contemplated on what all the negativity could possibly be trying to teach me and have come out of it a better, stronger and more self aware individual.flash's december:*I had to have painful surgery - took a month to heal*My pride and joy (my jeep) was broken into and set alight*One of my best friends left sydney permanently*My step-mum found out she had thyroid cancer*A tree fell on my Jeep (wasn't too bad but that's hardly the point; was YET ANOTHER crap thing to happen to me)*Found out that my position may be made redundant (and has been)*blah blah blahyeah, it was great.

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DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

right;My girlfriend of 3 years is going off to South Africa for 5 months. New Years eve was spent in a sh!te pub, with crap music, -7 temperature and soberParents have gone off to Australia without me for 2 weeksXmas was dullHave no money (-£3200) in factJust broke my brand new cymbalThis is why God (or who/whatever) gave us pot.

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

soooo, sweet one ... first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR and I wish you all the best.It seems indeed that when one bad thing happens it "attracts" al other bad energies and they all jump on you wink HOWEVER, think of what you like to do, simple things and DO IT !!!! Make yourself presents cause you deserve them ! yeah... you know me ... I'd say : cook yourself and your friends a good yummy dinner and have fun... Life can play those tricks on you where everything seems dark , but soon enough the sun will shine in your life even more than you can imagine smilehuge hugs and smiles to you and tons of postive energy smileAnd Flash ... so it is true what they say about woment and driving ? tongueshine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

I've had a month full of ups and downs:Down- I had to work most of Christmas weekUp- It meant I could go on holiday later thoughDown- New Year was supposed to be spent somewhere out of town on a beach with a load of spinning, but most of us couldn't afford itUp- It did turn out really well though, with fireworks, some spinning, football with a giant ball and lots of drinkUp- smile smile smile smile I went on a snowboarding holiday from the 5th to the 12th of JanDown- On the first day I sprained my wrist and knee and bruised my ribsUp- smile smile smile smile I met an incredibly intelligent and beautiful woman staying in the same placeDown- She went off with someone else half way through the weekUp- I came back from holiday inspired to spin moreDown- I can't yet until my wrist heals enoughDown- None of my holiday photos came out, the film was just blankDown- Typing and using a mouse (stuff I have to do all day at work) really hurts my wristAll in all, a pretty disapointing month, although the down points can never bring down my holiday, it was brilliant - the 1st time I've been out of the country in ages.------------------Bovril - It's liquid cow y'know

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

My life is full of sunshine at the moment. Actually, it has been for a while. smileI think you need to work hard to put yourself in a position to accept it. Be good to yourself. Be good to others. Put yourself in places where good will happen. Take simple risks. There will always be a yin and yang of good and bad. wink Put energy into things that make you happy, don't put energy into things that make you unhappy. Sounds obvious but sometimes we fall into routine and forget things that make us happy.And be sure to tell those that make you happy...Thank you smile

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

115 posts
Location: UK

A Biiiiig hug and healing white light to you all.Life is wonderful if you look for the right things and say thanks to whatever/whoever brightens up your day!!!Wow - youve got the beach, the sun to warm your spirit and the sound of the sea to clean away the darkness. Sometimes things suck but still, what an amazing life.

fluffy napalm fairyCarpal \'Tunnel
3,638 posts
Location: Brum / Dorset / Fairy Land

and don't forget to smile grin......It'll all come good in the end........

Geologists do it in the dirt................ spank

68 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Just remember the 'Plus a Headache Formula'. Everything is worse when you have a headache, right? So no matter how awful your current circumstances, just think; at least you don't have a headache.

Endangered Sanitymember
164 posts
Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

What happens if you get a headache after having said that? tongue

21 posts
Location: Edmonton Alberta Canada

Are we coming up to a full moon or something??? shocked People are acting really strange and lots of strange stuff has been happning all around!Fevagirl wink

Peace, Beats, Love and Light!

428 posts
Location: Mystic, Ct. USA

actually it was just recently a new moon, on tuesday there was a little fingernail in the sky. I'll have a teeth hurtmy back is not totally better from when i hurt it in julyi just paid a lot of money to have them replace some wires in my cari found out one of my friends has cancer and is in chemotherapy brother broke my mouse's (mice's?) aquarium and i havnt found a replacement yet, so they havn't been cleaned out and they SMELL.on the plus side I figured out how to make audiogalaxy works so I just downloaded a bunch of piano pieces by Eric Satie. so thats good...Pere

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

Pere - you keep a mouse in an aquarium? Hope it can swim well! winkI'm having a pretty good time at the moment. Not trying to make y'all feel bad, but at least you know that things don't always suck smile

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

fluffy napalm fairyCarpal \'Tunnel
3,638 posts
Location: Brum / Dorset / Fairy Land

plural of mouse is mice grin

Geologists do it in the dirt................ spank

428 posts
Location: Mystic, Ct. USA

but whats the possesive form of mice?anyway it was good thing it was the mice's aquarium and not the rainbowfish's aquarium...pere

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA


Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

sunbeamSILVER Member
old hand
1,032 posts
Location: Madrid, United Kingdom

Sorry to be boring and go back to topic but work sucks. i've been sitting there wanting to post on home of poi but am paranoid about doing it at work so have to do it now while I'm not there. My new boss is a cow.That's allsorry for being a moaning minnie but isn't that what this thread's for?------------------Life in the circus ain't easy but the folks on the outside don't know yeah well the tent goes up and the tent goes down and all that they see is the show and the ladies on the horses look so pretty and the lions are looking real mad and some of the clowns are happy and some of the clowns are sad. Welcome to the freakshow.. here we go (Freakshow by Ani di Franco)

"I don't take drugs. I am drugs" - Salvador Dali


82 posts
Location: Perf, australia

mine's not plain shite, its bordering-on-funny shite.1) i go into town with a guy i like cept he doesnt know it (yet). Walking to a ex's place (to return a CD) barefoot, i somehow stub my toe. i drip blood EVERYWHERE. 2) i knock on ex's door, coz i need a bandaid. eventually flatmate answers. i woke him up. he goes to search for a bandaid. meanwhile, i wake up ex too. he wanders into living room in underwear, to find me gripping a stranger's hand and dripping blood on the carpet.3) no bandaids. no tissues. no cotton balls. no frigging toilet paper!4) parents make me go to holiday home with them for a night. die of bordeom.5)i lose the back of the barbell through my conch piercing. no place i can buy replacement.6) i just found blood on the back of other ear, which means some other piercing must be infected.7i) my knees are fucked. keep dislocatingii) back is fuckediii) hips are fuckedon the upside, mon. night i'm goin out firetwirling with guy-i-like.

KatincaSee my vest.... see my vest...
693 posts
Location: Adelaide - South Australia

Hey, Yes, piercings....well my downer for the month is my nose is infected. And I have worked out that I am person that touches my face and nose a lot. Not good if you have a nose piercing. But hey that's for the up sides...- Josh and I just got a shipment of new CDS, that we have been grooOoOOving too for the last week- AND on Wednesday night, Josh and I leave for the most wickedest festival, that I really really really really really really like *you can tell I'm excited about it can't you??!!??* That goes for 5 days smile-AND......the BESTEST thing about it, is I get to meet up with nearly all my favouritest people in Australia all at once, and hear some good tunes....and watch some great fire-twirling..and.....and...*breathes in*.....stuff like that *big exhale*NOW if it RAINS....then I will not be a HAPPY person.... and I will be complaining about that I tells ya now!@!@%$$@$$###@#$#*skips off*Love and Light------------------ ~*~ Katinca ~*~

Love and Light

~*~ Katinca ~*~

219 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Well that reminds me of another thing.The afore mentioned festival in australia that Kat is going to, was going to be my big getaway for the summer. I was going to the afore mentioned five day festival, but now i can't get there as the two other people i was going with have decided that they are going to drive to newcastle instead.But finally there is a bright side.Australia won the cricket last night *kneels* Thank you god, thank you.CheersAPB

Good on usGood on us all

KatincaSee my vest.... see my vest...
693 posts
Location: Adelaide - South Australia

Hey APB, you live in Melbourne right? Why don't you just catch a bus there, Greenant have special buses going up there all the time.C'mon don't miss out... grin------------------ ~*~ Katinca ~*~

Love and Light

~*~ Katinca ~*~

61 posts
Location: nsw australia

i want to complain about how tight the moderaters can be they arent always but are sometimes and it is very anoying

the risk is the rush

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

There are moderators? They're not tight. they just get grumpy if they miss their naptime.In all seriousness the moderators are all thoroughly nice people and are only trying to keep order in a chaotic world. Nowt wrong with that.Personally I don't have much to complain about.Thanks to the people I've just spent the week with I've had one of the best birthdays ever. I managed to disapear off the face of the planet for 8 days (how many of you noticed).I got some wicked presents. Abused my body in many ways. Caught a cold and am even happy with that (although that's more to do with who I caught it off grin)And, it's headcharge on Friday and Chris Liberator is playing. So it's all good.------------------C@ntusThere's only one way of life and that's your own.


219 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Im not in melbourne at the moment.Im at my folks place in Albury.Sigh

Good on usGood on us all

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

APB : please smile and look at the sunshine and enjoy. life is short, don't waste too much time in sighs !!! smileyes, I know how corky that sounds and I know I cannot always apply that piece of advice to my little self... but I don't care cause it definitely is true and we don't want our little APB to go on unhappy !shine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

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