HephGOLD Member member 79 posts Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Posted: I'm sorry, i've *got* to tell you guys about this....so i haven't been spinning much for the last couple of weeks...got frustrated after learning all the basic moves, couldn't figure out a lot of the more advanced stuff, etc. i had already created a couple several minute routines to music, and i just got bored with the same moves. ***but get this***....tonight i picked up my poi and started playing with some of the moves i could never figure out. within an hour i had *mastered* the 5 beat weave *and* the quadruple corkscrew!!! this is crazy!!!im totally re-energized!!! okay, sorry, i just had to tell *someone*. if i call my girlfriend and yell thru the phone that i got the 5 beat weave and quad corkscrew down, she'll say, "um, okay, Bryan, um, thats nice." as if im a mental patient. so i figured you guys'd understand. thanx for listening. anyone else experience this phenomena? giving up on a move for a while, then returning and giving it a fair go with a fresh mind, and nailing it right away? last question, a technical one: my 5 beat weave seems a little weird, and i can't tell if its the same as the one on this site. in the regular weave, my right hand does 2 revolutions on the left side of my body, and 1 revolution on the right. opposite for the left hand. but in the 5beat weave, i think im still doing 2 revolutions on the left and 3 on the right with my right hand. it seems backwards, doesn't it? shouldn't i do 3 on the left and two on the right? i guess it doesn't matter, as long as it works. just curious if there was an easier(or different) way. thanx again, and happy swinging. -happy Heph
gάrbǿaddict 521 posts Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...
Posted: There we go the best way to learn. If you can't do a move leave it a while, visualise it and then come back to it. congratulations manpeace outgarbo
be excellent to each other: safe:
SimosBRONZE Member enthusiast 384 posts Location: London, UK
Posted: haha i've been doing the 5-beat weave for some time now and i still haven't figured out if it's the same as the one on this side!!! well if it works, it works i guess! well done on getting those moves Hephaestos; i can totally relate to your enthusiasm!happy swinging,Simos
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: Yeah, I've done that with a bunch of moves. Work on it, think on it, until I've hit a wall. Then leave it. Even if I don't think about, visualize it or anything, I can come back and my body has remembered it and over time absorbed it. It's really quite amazing when it happens, huh?Diana
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: Great going Heph...and me too. It's how I learned most of the moves more complex than the thread the needle. Get my body into it then leave it alone. I find it flows much nicer than if I were to force it. Here's a hint...works for behind the back stuff too! ------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
Posted: I'm Just beiginning learning some of the advanced moves. I learned to walk away from practice doing SOMTHING right. If I can't get a Move down in about 15 minutes, I go back to one I've already mastered (As Boring as they feel after a while) I have never been one for co-ordination so it takes me a long time to learn moves. For the longest time I couldn't understand the weave. Then it just hit me I picked it up and it worked... I was SO Happy! and just like you Hephaestos I couldn't tell any one cause they would be like " Umm..... Thats Nice... I Guess........ Whats the weave again?" Congrats!~spryte~
HephGOLD Member member 79 posts Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Posted: thanx for all the replies, and support, guys...that was exactly what i wanted that non-swingers wouldn't know how to give!!!you guys rock!...off to weave and corscrew out my elation...-happy heph
dangerboyoriginal member 205 posts Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: i'm waiting for the day that that happend with me for the reverse behind the back weave. oh, the day will come, but it's can't come soon enough.------------------Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, fire my spirit
Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, fire my spirit
Posted: Hey Heph, I'm jealous you could leave a move undone and get it later on. I just can't!!! everytime I learned something new I would just put some music going and prctice till I get it right. sometimes it would take 5-6 hours straight...crazy I know, but it pays off! and good exercise too!!!spin it ya!!!!!
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