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118 posts
Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA

I just reminded my self in a previous post, that I saw my first swinger at the Pennsic War. First off, has anyone ever heard of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and secondly, has anyone ever attended (or wanted to attend) the War?

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I used to be a member of the SCA and while I haven't been to Pennsic (which since I live relatively close is a crime among SCAdians).Been to most of the other events in the area though.It's cool that you saw your first swinger there. The chapter I was part of up here is such sticklers for historical accuracy that we weren't allowed to do anything that wasn't "period". I left do to overwhleming politics and rules stifling the fun rightout of it.------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

ffirebellGOLD Member
44 posts
Location: Aotearoa, New Zealand

Hey Jesse, I just met an SCA swinger in Hamilton, Ont. (Hi Becca if you see this). She's on the meet other people site. Yes the SCA can be sticky about stuff, but Poi was probably around in the middle ages with the Maori, I know diabolo was (in China and with the Inuit people), and I know the Samoan's do a one ended spear lit up, in staff style, I'm sure thats been going on for a few centuries... interesting stuff.. good luck with whatever info. you find etc..! Fairie firebell

Fairie's wear boots.

ykaterinaBRONZE Member
107 posts
Location: east randolph, VT USA

hey, jesse -i've been to pennsic a bunch of times, and have been doing SCA for something like 8 is all about "period" and people do get hung up in that - often childishly so, but the way to get around it is research...if you can document (usually by 3 sources) that something was truly done at the time, then you're good to go, even if it's not common knowledge. also, since it would be nearly impossible to document the exact moves that any given historical person did with a stick on fire/chain on fire (which they certainly had other names for than we do), if you can just document that they lit stuff on fire and swung it around (which you can), then the moves themselves are much less important - do what you know. if you WANT to be really accurate, then you can research WHY they were spinning - was it warrior training or minstrel entertainment? etc...the only other problem is that the maori, samoans, and inuits don't exist in the SCA - they're not part of the "known world". china and japan, however, do. regardless, i think i could prove there were firetwirlers in england if pressed...pennsic tends to be much more relaxed than local events, cause it's a larger number of people, from all different places, with different customs. in local baronys, they can be all anal-pissy cause everyone knows everyone and there are rules...the rules are much looser and fewer when you start mixing people from all over the country.anyway, it's a good time!maybe this is more than you wanted...but if it's less, holler!-katja

118 posts
Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA

ykaterina:Actually, Pennsic XXX will be my 8th, so I'm well aware (but not terribly concerned with) the documentation difficulties that can occur. But if my friend Kardon can document Japanese plaid, then I'm sure I can come up with some reason to play with fire!I just wanted to know who I could meet up with at the War! I like putting faces with names and vice versa, but thanks for the enthusiasm of your explanation! (I suppose I should have mentioned the purpose of my post in the first place...)

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