31 posts
Location: Windsor

Has anyone got some proper instructions! i've tried but i end up just burning everything!!!! someone mentioned a cage? but i dont know wat that is! help please?

Dragon7GOLD Member
625 posts
Location: Aotearoa (NZ), New Zealand

[Old link]

31 posts
Location: Windsor

cheers! thats helped alot! smile

HanskiBRONZE Member
8 posts
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

Hi Alex....

What you have to do is.....

Get some chicken wire and bend it to make a cage, a cylinder shape is easy aboout 15 -20cm long and 10 cm diameter. Then attach the cage to your chains, stuff it full of wire wool, soak in parrafin eh voila. Fire does tend to fly everywhere and the wire wool breaks up and kind of sprays everywhere like a massive catherine make sure you have LOTS of space and spin hard and keep it simple! You will need to refill the cages with the wire wool each time u wanna spin.....

Hope that helps x ubbrollsmile

LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

Any other tips for blackbush poi, I'm thinking about rigging something up this weekend to try it out

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1 post

You're all mad... makes me wonder if the devil spins poi too? let me get this straight as well, that's just wire wool... as in like the stuff that's used for scrubbing pans? what do you set light to it with????

general spinmember
52 posts
Location: England

theres another thread about this thats in disguise, its going on about teabagging for some reason, theres some excellent info there, normal chicken wire woulds eem to be the least expensive option for the cage and I cant remember who it is now but they have been using a 9volt battery to get the wool going......... spectacular advice seeing as the fuel spill is atrocious when using paraffin or whatever.

general spinmember
52 posts
Location: England

open up the "other toys" bit and look for the word... ahem.... teabag. rolleyes

mrFlibbleSILVER Member
455 posts
Location: York, UK

i use the finest grade wire wool i can find and have never needed to use paraffin to get it going. however i do have a lighter that has a blue bunsen burner type flame so maybe thats the reason its so easy to light biggrin

general spinmember
52 posts
Location: England

the plot thickens... umm what do you use for a cage mrFlibble ?

mrFlibbleSILVER Member
455 posts
Location: York, UK

i use chicken wire type stuff. i bent it into a box shape with a lid.
if i was making one now it would be cylindrical though. the box has sharp corners :P (not hurt myself on it yet)

general spinmember
52 posts
Location: England

yeh thats what im gonna try, im gonna see if i can make it rigid somewhat as well so i can wrap, i would have imagined the chicken wire cage would crush if you kicked it etc.

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audaxBRONZE Member
freelance bum
286 posts
Location: Upstairs, Australia

I've done this once and found that I only needed a tiny ammount of fuel to get it going. Light and start it moving quickly as the steel only burns with a lot of airmovement.
i used industrial stuff from the hardware store which in bulk and is much finer than kitchen stuff. It's not a subtle effect, no. It flies and it flies far but that depends on your spin speed. Cover aup and wear glasses. This is about the second most dangerous thing that we are allowed to discuss on HOP after fire breathing.


mrFlibbleSILVER Member
455 posts
Location: York, UK

I wouldn't kick my chicken wire cage :P or do wraps with it for that matter. i'd get injured probably.
It is reasonably rigid, however after several burns the bottom of the cage was warped and distended where lumps of semi molten wire wool had accumulated during the swinging, and heated up the cage making it more maleable, causing the centrifugal force on the lump to push out the bottom of the cage. i had to push it back in when it was cold again.
I'm just glad it doesn't get hot enough to melt the cage completely.

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